Kamala Harris Aide Resigns After $400K Sexual Harassment Settlement Comes to Light

I wonder how the #MeToo movement will feel about this. Something tells me we’ll hear nothing but crickets.

Leftist darling Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) lost top aide Larry Wallce after he resigned when The Sacramento Bee made it known that he paid $400,000 in a sexual harassment settlement back in 2017.

To the shock of no one, Harris’s office claimed that the senator and her staff did not know. From Fox News:

“We were unaware of this issue and take accusations of harassment extremely seriously,” Harris spokeswoman Lily Adams said. “This evening, Mr. Wallace offered his resignation to the senator, and she accepted it.”

The Sacramento Bee reported the incident:

In her lawsuit against the Department of Justice, Danielle Hartley said she was recruited to be Wallace’s assistant during a 2011 restructuring of the Division of Law Enforcement. Wallace, a former Oakland police detective who previously worked under Harris when she was the district attorney of San Francisco, had been appointed director earlier that year.During an unspecified period, the lawsuit states, “Hartley had concerns she was being harassed and demeaned due to her gender.”According to the lawsuit, Wallace placed his printer on the floor underneath his desk and ordered Hartley to replace the paper or ink on a daily basis. When she asked to move the printer to another location so she would not have to crawl under his desk in dresses and skirts, the lawsuit states, Wallace refused. Wallace frequently asked Hartley to put paper in the printer while he was sitting at his desk or in front of other male executives from the division, according to the lawsuit.Hartley also complained in the lawsuit that Wallace took away her “meaningful tasks” and put her in charge of running personal errands instead, including booking flights for Wallace’s children and washing and performing maintenance on his car. When she would return from these assignments, the lawsuit states, “co-workers would make hostile comments to her including, ‘Are you walking the walk of shame?’”According to the lawsuit, Hartley eventually informed her supervisor, Shannon Patterson, of the harassment and asked for help. “Hartley observed Patterson enter Wallace’s office and met with him behind closed doors,” the lawsuit states, but after that, she began to experience retaliation.The lawsuit describes that Hartley was “set up to fail,” micro-managed by Patterson, investigated by internal affairs on a “fabricated charge” for which she was never informed of the outcome, and “told she should quit her job and seek employment elsewhere.”

Hartley claimed the harassment took a toll on her health and job prospects afterwards. She aced an exam for new classification, “but she was not considered either time for the promotion.” She had panic attacks and dove into a deep depression.

The settlement came in May 2017 by Xavier Becerra, who replaced Harris as attorney general. Somehow Becerra and his deputies turned it around on Hartley:

Becerra, who by then had been appointed to succeed Harris, and two of this deputies said the department took “reasonable steps to prevent and correct workplace harassment” by instituting procedures for harassment and training Hartley on the policy.Hartley “unreasonably failed to utilize the procedures during the period of time, and after, the alleged harassment or discrimination was occurring,” Becerra wrote. “Had Plaintiff taken reasonable effort to utilize these procedures Plaintiff’s alleged harm, injury or damages would have been avoided, in whole or in part.”

So somehow it’s Hartley’s fault?! It sounded like she tried to take the right steps and people retaliated against her.

Harris has been at the forefront in the #MeToo movement, which formed after numerous women accused former movie mogul Harvey Weinstein of rape, sexual assault, and sexual harassment. Let’s not forget the way Harris treated Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford accused him of sexual assault more than 30 years ago. Lefty women loved this. From CNN:

If Harris launches a run for the White House, it could be powered in part by women who admired her interrogation of Kavanaugh and many other Trump nominees during her time in the Senate.During a recent trip to Iowa where she campaigned for female candidates ahead of the midterm elections, Harris was swarmed by women who praised her questioning of Kavanaugh at a hearing focused on an allegation of sexual assault that occurred when he was in high school. Kavanaugh, who is now on the court, denied the allegation.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, California, Kamala Harris, Sexual Assault