British PM Theresa May Survives No Confidence Vote Within Her Party

British Prime Minister faced a no confidence vote by those within her party after the Brexit negotiations have been less than stellar. Luckily for May she survived. From The London Times:

A weakened Theresa May emerged from a vote of no confidence shorn of her hopes of leading the party into the next election and the support of more than a third of her MPs.The prime minister faced immediate calls to resign after winning a ballot of 317 Tory MPs with a majority of just 82. The margin was far smaller than Downing Street had hoped for and looks sure to create more political uncertainty.Mrs May’s supporters cheered wildly at the initial announcement that the Conservative Party’s MPs did have confidence in their prime minister. The narrow scale of that victory will have serious implications for her future and that of her Brexit deal.Voting had opened minutes after she told her party she would not fight the next election.Mrs May appeared before the 1922 Committee of Conservative MPs shortly after 5pm to declare that she understood their concerns and would not seek to stay in office to the next general election. She stopped short of spelling out a timetable.Jo Churchill was the first MP to enter Commons committee room 14 to cast his ballot.As two hours of voting began, 174 Tory MPs had publicly declared in her favour and 33 against, prompting private angst among Brexiteers.It comes after 48 submitted letters of no confidence to Sir Graham.Mrs May addressed the Committee at 5pm in a last-ditch pitch to keep her job. She vowed to contest the vote with “everything I have got” as she warned that removing her as prime minister risked delaying or even cancelling Brexit.Downing Street has insisted that she will not use victory in tonight’s confidence vote to cling on until the next election. No 10 abandoned her claim that she would lead the Conservatives into the next election as Tory leader. Instead her spokesman said she would serve only as long as her party wants her.“This is a vote about whether to change prime minister in the middle of Brexit negotiations not about who leads the party into the next election,” he told reporters after prime minister’s questions (PMQs).

Tags: BREXIT, Britain, Theresa May