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UMass Students Upset by Racist Graffiti Found in Dorm

UMass Students Upset by Racist Graffiti Found in Dorm

“it’s terrible to see this in what should be a tight-knit community”

Will this turn out to be another hoax, like the one at Kansas State?

WWLP News reports:

UMass students concerned, upset over racist graffiti found on campus

Racist graffiti was found at a UMass Amherst first-year residence hall this week.

A letter to students was sent, informing them that a poster was defaced with the “N-word” on the third floor of Melville Residence Hall Thursday.

UMass Police took possession of the poster and is now looking into the incident. UMass police are reviewing video from surveillance cameras at Melville Hall and are interviewing staff and residents in the hopes of determining who is responsible

Angus Black, a sophomore at the school, told 22News it was a terrible incident, “I don’t know if it’s some sort of sick joke or if this is an instance of a hate crime, but it’s terrible to see this in what should be a tight-knit community.”

Valeria Gerena, a UMass Freshman added, “I personally didn’t see it but I have friends who live in Melville Hall and news spreads very quickly especially here at Southwest. Definitely doesn’t make you feel safe or welcome.”


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thalesofmiletus | November 12, 2018 at 12:09 pm

Hoax. They always are.

The Friendly Grizzly | November 12, 2018 at 12:16 pm

I wonder which one(s) of the complainers put it there?

. . . but it’s terrible to see this in what should be a tight-knit community.”

A “community” can be “tight-knit” or it can be “diverse”, but not both. Take your pick, then suffer with it.

Probably a hoax as usual. Doesn’t matter since the damage has been done, and the SJWs will act like it’s a hate crime, whether it really happened or did not.

UMass Police took possession of the poster and is now looking into the incident.

Why? Precisely what crime has been committed?