Strip to Win: Dem women get naked to get out the vote


If you want to change hearts and minds, get naked?

A Democrat-supporting group did just that. Supposedly, their bare photo shoot is meant to encourage people to vote against Republicans. It’s still not clear what getting naked has to do with voting.

The campaign is called ‘Grab Them By The Ballot’, and is meant to be a jab at comments candidate Trump made that were published by Access Hollywood.

On their Facebook page, the group posted the following:

“Not knee-jerk responses,” which is why they took off their clothes?

Anyway, The Daily Mail has more:

A diverse group of women stripped off for photographs with just a ballot covering their privates as part of a campaign to urge people to vote Democrat in the upcoming midterm elections.Ten women took part in the series called ‘Grab Them By The Ballot’ hoping the powerful images will encourage people to cast their ballot on November 6.Dawn Robertson, 48, decided to organize the photo shoot with a cast of diverse women of different sizes, sexual orientations and races after #MeToo allegations against prominent figures continued to rise.She said the Republican party’s attack on women’s reproductive rights and transgender people’s rights also played a part.And she named her campaign with a play on President Donald Trump’s now-infamous comments while aboard an Access Hollywood bus.The Harvard Law graduate found her models, including a transgender woman, a Latina, an abduction survivor and one who is pregnant on social media and the street.Melodi Blackbird, 44, Susan Lipkin, 65, Gina Carerra, 56, Tara Beach, 34, Alexandra Martin, 31, Nyla Smith, 22, Gina Higgins, 37, Courtney Blasius, 31, a transgender woman who goes by the initial Z, 28, and Robertson all posed nude with ballots placed strategically in front of their genitals.They also took part in solo portraits with a single prop to represent themselves as part of the shoot on October 28.Robertson, the founder, of a recruitment company, said: ‘With the Kavanaugh nomination and MeToo and Trump, women are rising everywhere.

Get naked. Insist that means you’re “being seen” because apparently, you can only be seen if you’re naked and motivating people to vote with your birthday suit. Down with Kavanaugh and Trump! Something about #MeToo, but don’t objectify them, even though they’re naked. On purpose. Makes total sense.

Neo-feminism is a helluva drug.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, Feminism, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Trump Feminism