Rasmussen Poll: Michelle Obama would beat Trump

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A recent Rasmussen survey of a hypothetical match-up between former First Lady Michelle Obama and President Trump has Obama victorious.

From Rasmussen:

Michelle Obama has been making the rounds promoting her new book, prompting buzz about a potential presidential run, which she has vehemently denied. But with the midterms over and the focus on 2020, voters think she’d stand a chance.A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, in a hypothetical matchup, 50% of all Likely U.S. Voters would vote for Obama over President Trump. Forty-three percent (43%) would vote instead for Trump’s reelection.

…Most voters (60%) continue to have a favorable opinion of the former first lady, including 44% who view her Very Favorably. Thirty-six percent (36%) have an unfavorable opinion of Obama, including 22% with a Very Unfavorable one. This shows little change from 2016, though slightly more voters have a favorable opinion of her today.

As Professor Jacobson blogged back in April, “Michelle Obama may be best Dem hope for 2020, but says she doesn’t want the job. That’s all well and good, but she’s ACTING like an Obama who is running, justifying her husband and herself as the adults in the room, and deriding Trump voters just like Hillary did.”

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, 2020 Presidential Election, Michelle Obama, Polling