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Prof Sues School Claiming He Was Punished for Not Using Student’s Preferred Pronoun

Prof Sues School Claiming He Was Punished for Not Using Student’s Preferred Pronoun

“declined to address a transgender student as a female”

Is this what everyone thought the future of higher education would be?

Campus Reform reports:

Prof sues over gender pronoun usage

A professor at a public university in Ohio is suing the school, claiming he was punished for not calling a student by their preferred pronoun.

Shawnee State University philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether declined to address a transgender student as a female, according to a lawsuit filed by Christian conservative nonprofit Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) in federal court.

The professor called on the student in class, saying “yes, sir.” The lawsuit states that Meriweather “has always used the titles and pronouns that refer to a student’s biological gender” and that he “has never knowingly used feminine titles and pronouns to refer to men or masculine titles and pronouns to refer to women.”

Meriwether says that he addresses his students as “sir” or “ma’am” or by “Mr.” or “Miss” and then says their last name. The lawsuit states he does this to “foster an atmosphere of seriousness and mutual respect that is befitting the college classroom.”

Following the class period in January 2018, the student in question “demanded” that the professor address the student as a female, the lawsuit alleges.


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I hope he wins big, proving he used the truth- facts/science in referring to the student.
This has to stop!