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Pro-Antifa Dartmouth Prof Argues Capitalism Will Destroy Us All

Pro-Antifa Dartmouth Prof Argues Capitalism Will Destroy Us All

“If we don’t abolish capitalism, capitalism will abolish us.”

The economy is doing great and unemployment is extremely low but this guy is sure doom is right over the horizon.

Campus Reform reports:

Dartmouth prof: ‘If we don’t abolish capitalism, capitalism will abolish us’

A Dartmouth professor argued on Tuesday that “if we don’t abolish capitalism, capitalism will abolish us.”

Dartmouth College lecturer Mark Bray made the remark in an op-ed for Truthout, titled “How Capitalism Stokes the Far Right and Climate Catastrophe.”

“We are on a deadline,” Bray says. “Lesser-evilism among capitalist politicians may have some rationale when spending five minutes casting a ballot on Election Day, but we don’t have time for it to be a guiding strategical outlook. We need to organize movements to build popular power and shut down the industries that threaten our existence.”

“Fascism is ascendant,” the Ivy League professor continues. “The world is on fire. This is no time to be patient. If we don’t abolish capitalism, capitalism will abolish us.”

Bray claims that the far right advocates for environmentally destructive policies, alleging that the faction prioritizes interests of certain groups over those of the entire planet, but takes his argument a step further by blaming capitalism.

“We must recognize that the climate crisis and the resurgence of the far right are two of the most acute symptoms of our failure to abolish capitalism,” the scholar asserts. “A capitalist system that prioritizes profit and perpetual growth over all else is the mortal enemy of global aspirations for a sustainable economy that satisfies needs rather than stock portfolios.”…

The professor donated half of the profits from his book “Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook” to Antifa.


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to the full extent allowed by law.


He should request that donations to the college only come from socialist sources in order to avoid being tainted by capitalism.

He should go to any of the Socialist Paradises and see how things are working out. Since it is close, and isn’t on a travel banned list, I’d suggest Venezuela. If he does that and still thinks socialism is a good idea he needs a long visit to the Happy Acres Rest Home.

Oh, wait … the power-thinkers on the left tell us the problem is nobody has ever done it right!


“We don’t have time for electoral politics, we need to create a popular movement to shut them down!”

Another “liberal in a hurry.” So sure he’s right that he’d use any means possible to achieve his political goals.

“If, for example, it would somehow serve our interests to throw sulphuric acid in a child’s face – are you prepared to do that?” –Winston Smith, pledging loyalty to The Brotherhood, In Orwell’s novel “1984.”

Has this socialist idiot given up his salary to the collective? If not, why? Also, his statement, “the far right advocates for environmentally destructive policies,” is a rather ignorant one. Do we not all live on the same planet? When my children were in school, I had to teach them facts instead of the propaganda they were taught in school. I now want to homeschool my grandson. The public school system and most higher level education facilities indoctrination camps with only ethnic diversity promoted and no ideological diversity permitted.