News Networks Conveniently Forget to Report LA Anti-Semitic Hate Crime

News Networks Conveniently Forget to Report LA Anti-Semitic Hate Crime

Friday night, the Los Angeles Police Department arrested Mohamed Mohamed Abdi who is suspected of “of trying to run down two men leaving a Los Angeles synagogue.”

According to the New York Post:

The driver yelled anti-Semitic remarks at the men Friday night, made a U-turn and drove at the pair, who took cover behind a car and an electrical box, said Deputy Chief Horace Frank.The suspect made another U-turn and targeted the men, then tried to speed away but crashed into another car in the largely Jewish Wilshire-area neighborhood, Frank said.No injuries were reported.The suspect, Mohamed Mohamed Abdi, was born in Mogadishu, Somalia, but is now a U.S. citizen, officials said. The 32-year-old was arrested for investigation of assault with a deadly weapon and remained jailed. It wasn’t known Monday if he has an attorney.The FBI joined the investigation, and Abdi could face federal charges, Frank said.Police Chief Michel Moore said investigators believe Abdi was acting as a “lone individual” and not as a member of a group, but the investigation was continuing into his background and associations.

Amazing how many “lone individuals” display the exact same behavior as other “lone individuals.”

Unlike other attacks, there’s video of this one. And yet, you probably haven’t seen the story on the news.

As Newsbusters points, out, the attack was noticeably absent from network news coverage.

All three networks have failed to report on an alleged attempted hate crime against two men leaving a Jewish synagogue last Friday in Los Angeles. While another anti-semitic hate crime in Pittsburgh October 27 received mass coverage, the alleged suspect’s identity in this recent attack may be one reason why it hasn’t received any coverage on the major networks thus far.As The New York Post and The Los Angeles Times reported, Mohamed Mohamed Abdi, a 32-year old man born in Somalia, shouted anti-semitic slurs as a group of worshippers, dressed in orthodox attire, were exiting a synagogue before making a U-turn and trying to run over two of them. After a second failed attempt, he eventually crashed into another car in the predominantly Jewish neighborhood.

At the time this post was written, national network news had not covered the story.

Tags: Antisemitism, Los Angeles