Merkel lobbies UN to classify Climate Change as legitimate ground for migration

German Chancellor Angela Merkel has successfully lobbied the United Nations to classify Climate Change as legitimate grounds for migration, a communique issued by the German parliament disclosed.

“In order to shape migration in the context of Climate Change in sustainable manner, Germany advocated to recognize Climate Change as basis for migration in international negotiations for the global migration pact,” a parliamentary bulletin surfaced on Monday said.  The document was made public on Twitter by Ralf Schuler, the parliamentary correspondent for the German newspaper Bild.

The sharpest criticism came from the right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD). “On behest of the government, Climate Change was adopted in the treaty as grounds for migration — originally a Green Party’s position — which couldn’t have been formulated more ambiguously,” the AfD chief Alice Weidel,  said Tuesday. “In future, an ordinary drought in Africa will mean a ticket to Europe, and a stretch of land flooded by Nile will open doors to our welfare system.”

In 2016, the Obama administration supported the global initiative, supporting the so-called New York Declaration for Refugees and Migrants, which paved the way for the UN pact. President Donald Trump has since pulled the U.S. out of the framework.

Next month, representatives from over 190 UN member states are set to gather in Morocco, a Muslim-majority country in North Africa, to sign the “Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration,” as the pact is formally known.

The AfD leader, Alice Weidel, responded to the Merkel-led UN initiative on Facebook:

More astonishing details on the global pact for migration keep on surfacing. On behest of the government, Climate Change was adopted in the treaty as grounds for migration — organically a Green Party’s position — which couldn’t have been formulated more ambiguously. In future, an ordinary drought in Africa will mean a ticket to Europe, a stretch of land flooded by Nile will open doors to our welfare system.In places where the scorching sun shines or the land turns to sand: Germany will be the new destination for all those who seek comprehensive welfare benefits. Adopting Climate Change as grounds for more migration in the UN migration pact speaks volumes. One can clearly see the overriding goal — the re-population of Europe — which couldn’t have been made more transparent. Who will decide between climate change and a particularly warm summer? This is ridiculous and irresponsible to the highest degree.The global pact for migration must be stopped; Germany’s ratification on December 10 must not take place. More and more countries are rejecting the dubious pact on grounds of upholding their sovereignty. That is absolutely justified! [Translation by the author]

The revelation comes as Merkel’s government is struggling to win support for the pact in the Bundestag. The German chancellor faces opposition, not only from the AfD party, but also from within her own Christian Democratic party. Marian Wendt, a senior Christian Democrat lawmaker, slammed the pact for failing to distinguish “between economic migrants and asylum-seekers.” Wendt and many other CDU lawmakers plan to challenge  the government’s plan to ratify the UN treaty. Merkel’s possible successor, Health Minister Jens Spahn, has also questioned Germany’s support for the pact.

Last week, Merkel made a passionate case for the pact in the Bundestag, calling the opposition to the UN framework “nationalism in its purest form.” The agreement “is the right attempt to find solutions for global problems internationally, together,” she added.

“Millions of people from crisis-stricken regions around the world are being encouraged to get on the road,” the co-chair of the AfD parliamentary group, Alexander Gauland, said while responding to Merkel’s speech. “Leftist dreamers and globalist elites want to secretly turn our country from a nation state into a settlement area.”

In December 2017, President Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Obama-backed pact. The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley called the framework “simply not compatible with U.S. sovereignty.” Signing it “could undermine the sovereign right of the United States to enforce our immigration laws and secure our borders,” the Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said at that time.

Following President Obama’s departure from the White House, Merkel remains the driving force behind the UN initiative that many on the European right see as an attempt designed to ram down UN-mandated open border policies on sovereign nation states across the Western world.

So far, ten countries, including Australia, Hungary and Israel, have joined the U.S. in withdrawing from the UN-sponsored  negotiations.

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[Cover image via YouTube]

Tags: Germany, Immigration, Trump Immigration, United Nations