LIVE: Trump’s Press Conference to Discuss Midterms

President Donald Trump tweeted that he will hold a press conference at 11:30AM ET to discuss the Republicans “success” in Tuesday’s midterm elections.

Like previous administrations, the party of the president lost the House, but the Republicans made decent gains within the Senate.

Like I said, history shows that the party of the sitting president usually loses the House during the midterms in his first term. Right now the Democrats have gained 26 seats, but Professor Jacobson said that number may end up being between 30-35.

The professor also mentions that this is a lot better than the 54 seats Clinton lost in 1994 and the 63 Obama lost in 2010.

We always knew the Republicans would hold the Senate and even gain some seats. They flipped Missouri, Indiana, and North Dakota. They may flip Florida once the recount finishes and the Republican barely leads Montana’s Democrat incumbent Jon Tester.

The Democrats managed to flip Nevada, but if the numbers hold, the Republicans will keep Arizona out of the Democrats’ hands.

Trump also tweeted this:

There is no guarantee she will become Speaker of the House again. CNN found that 12 Democrats who pledged to vote against Pelosi were re-elected along with seven new Democrats who made that same pledge during the campaign.

Rep. Kurt Schrader (D-OR) is one of the few who doesn’t hide his disdain for Pelosi, stating that people are “afraid of her” and so they don’t challenge her:

“Which is pretty pathetic,” he told CNN in an interview two weeks ago. “If your leadership is based on fear, that’s terrible. That’s what Donald Trump does for god sakes, based on fear. I think what we want in a leader is someone that’s empowering.”


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Tags: 2018 Elections, Trump Speech