Independent Journalist Andy Ngo Assaulted by Antifa Mob in Portland

A group of conservative young women decided to stage a #HimToo rally in Portland, OR, as an effort to bring awareness of false accusations of assault against men. About 40 people attended.

The far-left group Antifa decided to hijack the peaceful rally after they deemed it unacceptable. Independent journalist Andy Ngo decided to attend, but Antifa thugs assaulted him by spitting on him and hitting him.

The Rally

First off, here is the description of the #HimToo rally:

Seems like a peaceful time, but as Ngo’s video and tweets show us, it was anything but that because Antifa decided to show up.


The Aftermath

The Portland Police Bureau released a statement after the rally, which included arresting six people:

During today’s events, there were multiple assaults reported, as well as projectiles thrown at demonstrators and officers. Officers observed sticks, glass bottles, lit road flares, bottles filled with a substance believed to be urine, and gopher gas used as projectiles.”The Portland Police Bureau spent considerable time planning for today’s demonstration and counter demonstration,” said Chief Danielle Outlaw. “We used significant resources and attempted to keep opposing groups apart, both when they were in the parks and as they traveled through downtown. Our goal was to keep all people in the community safe.”

All but one of the six received charges of interfering with a police officer. Authorities also charged Gary Fresquez, 52, with disorderly conduct in the second degree. They charged Hanna McClintock, 19, with harassment.

Ngo’s documentation caught the eye of conservative media and he spent the last few days bouncing from show to show to give a first hand account of the rally.

Ngo spoke to Laura Ingraham and not only bashed the media for its support of Antifa, but also Portland.

Ngo appeared on The Hill‘s Rising show with Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton. He also told them the media has failed in their duty in reporting the truth about Antifa:

Tags: Antifa, Oregon