Hollywood Spends $61 Million, Still Can’t Buy a Texas Senate Seat
Like most of the country, O’Rourke’s support was largely urban as the electoral map

$61 million was spent to help Rep. Robert O’Rourke unseat Senator Ted Cruz to no avail.
Cruz barely carved out a win. In Texas.
From the NYT:
Like most of the country, O’Rourke’s support was largely urban as the electoral map (from the NYT) shows:
Local Democrats hitched their wagons to O’Rourke’s and managed to unseat a handful of longtime Republicans, included Rep. Culberson in TX-7, President HW Bush’s old district.
I still don’t think O’Rourke ever planned to win but rather that the race was one to create a fundraising infrastructure for future elections and to fine-tune voter data.
Cruz lost a lot of political capital when he ran for President and was subsequently critical of Trump, effectively splitting his support base in two, disappointing most of his loyal supporters. He struggles with relatability and likeability, but none of that mattered in 2012. He won handily in a practically uncontested race.
Texas has also experienced an influx of blue state refugees, which has purpled Texas’ once bright red hue. Voters turned out en masse to support O’Rourke, the first Democrat with a prayer of making an electoral dent and down ballot races benefited.
Regardless, 2.5 points in a midterm, in Texas, is waaaaaayyyy too close for comfort. O’Rourke may not be joining the upper chamber in January, but he successfully unsettled Texas Republicans.

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If you compare the senate and governor’s races, you’ll see that the total votes cast are about equal, but Abbott got about 500k more than Cruz. Draw your own conclusions.
Cruz is not a good candidate. Luckily, Senate races were able to be ‘nationalized’. But, the House proved the old saw that all politics are local.
Not yet. High-density population centers favor redistributive change. Redistributive change favors the 0.1% and wannabes. Businesses favor high-density population centers, too. High-density population centers are notoriously diverse (i.e. color judgments/discrimination, racism, sexism). High-density population centers are notoriously politically congruent (“=”) or Pro-Choice. High-density population centers are notoriously amoral and favor selective-child, the “wicked solution”, in order to reduce after-birth expenses. This is a clear and historical progression.
Abbott claims he will launch an investigation into claims and Project Veritas video footage of poll workers saying that they had seen huge numbers of DACA people go through the voting procedure with provisional ballots. IT should be fairly evident when looked into whether those provisional ballots were fraudulent.
Look at the map, border areas and areas that has had a heavy infusion from California transplants. The border areas are heaviest hit by illegal immigration, and if you don’t think they voted, thanks to the leftists who think it is perfectly OK to have elections stolen by those who vote illegally, then I have a great bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.
I fear that we are seeing the last vestiges of this country. Illegal voting is a problem that is growing and yet never once does an election get overturned when these illegal votes are found out about.
At the start of this once great Republic Franklin, when asked what form of Government have the Congress given us, his reply was “A Republic, if you can keep it.” We kept it for a good run, but we are losing it. Losing the House is the start of the death spiral for what this Country has been through the ages. All great nations fail at some point, and we have been losing this war to preserve a nation for a long time. The left isn’t hiding what they truly are anymore, and still they won. That tells me we have lost, even if we make some last residing lurches, the people are electing those who promise the most give aways from the Government, and it will grow as people get greedy to get their own slices of that pie.
Once the people wake up to reality, to what they have voted in, to how it will continue to go down, and how the politicians will become to hold power, it will be too late.
The new iteration of this country will not be one to flock to. At least it will help then, again, too late, with the illegal immigration problem, but that is cold comfort.
oldgoat36: I bought that bridge already. Several times.
Because I live in one of those blue sections of TX and I moved here from CA ( I was born there too ), I have a point to make.
What the Republicans need to do here is tell their story. They can’t just sit back and say that because of their policies, we have jobs and aren’t like the Democrats.
The story of the Republican party in Texas is a great story. It is one of perseverance and struggle to make Texas livable and free state with opportunity to succeed and a great lifestyle.
The Texas values that I have adopted aren’t for sale to the highest bidder. And that message needed to made clearer in the Cruz campaign debriefing.
The reason it was close wasn’t because of Cruz per se. It was because the Republicans here forgot to tell their wonderful story to the newcomers so they could see the benefit in adopting TX values too.
The let Beto steal the narrative too often. He spoke to Californian transplants like a California transplant himself.
So, in 2020, it is my prayer that the Republican party her casts a vision of the future based on Texas Values and teaches my fellow CA transplants why they need to adopt TX values and leave the old ones back in CA.
What is my proof. I got phone call after phone call from the Cruz campaign asking for money. They were depressing and ugly calls designed to scare more money out of me. Too often I got off the phone and wanted to cry instead of thanking God I am a Texan.
But none of those calls, not one told me about the great job Republicans have done for the state and Cruz has done in the senate.
I got to the point I refused to answer their calls. I donated online when I had extra money. But I didn’t want to give into their doom and gloom phone calls. It hurt too much.
The lesson here that I hope gets to the campaigns is that I want a fund raising call that is positive and casts a vision.
And, as happy and thrilled as I am that Cruz won, I didn’t get that good vibe from his hysterical and depressing fund raisers.
That has gotta change so Texas doesn’t turn blue because it isn’t getting the oxygen of truth.
All solid points and yes on the storytelling. Republicans suck at telling stories that engage voters.
Rat own, dude!
The positive storiesssss that conservatives have to tell are often given short shrift in the stupid noise of partisan, tribal battle.
We are the moral standard-bearers of the Revolution. We love people and their potential, and we insist they have the right to their own choices, for instance, and that by exercising their choices they learn from consequences. They have the right to and the capacity for self-governance.
Texans are independent, friendly, and forward-looking.
On Twitchy today, cost per vote for dems in 2012 and 2018.
And look out Louisiana – “I heard he was moving to Louisiana and running as Beteaux. Taking advantage of his Cajun roots.”
2012, Paul Sadler
Raised: $705,027
Votes: 3,194,927
$/Vote: $0.22 each
2018, Beto O’Rourke
Raised: $69,240,350+
Votes (11:33pm ET): 3,413,259+
$/Vote: $20.29 each
Allllllll that money for just 200K+ more votes?
Thank you for the excellent math lesson. It makes a great point about how badly Beto really performed.
And I really love the Louisiana joke. C’est chouette ! I will pass it on.
In the same vain, Beto is such a deep thinker that he would assume that the Great Expulsion was black folk being forced to come down from Canada to play their jazz.
So.it wasn’t that Beto got significantly more votes than Sadler; rather Cruz got a lot fewer this time around.
Here in the Sunshine State we had two wins that were uncomfortably tight. Just barely missed electing a corrupt socialist as Governor and finally got shed of superannuated Nelson. As moire and more northern Lefties retire here I fear the state may turn purple or even blue.
Have you seen any local news on how the 1.5 million felons that just got their voting rights back will impact elections? Trump carried the state with a little over 100,000 votes out of 9M and DeSantis by less the 50,000 out of 8M. If even a third of these newly eligible voters participate in 2020 they could have a yuge impact.
Quick Math: If 1/3 vote and 60% lean one way that’s a net 100,000 vote impact. If 1/2 participate and lean 55% one way that’s a 75,000 vote impact.