CNN Fires Marc Lamont Hill After Calling for Israel’s Destruction in UN Speech

CNN fired contributor Marc Lamont Hill after he pushed people to boycott Israel in a speech at the United Nations meeting of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People. From Mediaite:

“Marc Lamont Hill is no longer under contract with CNN,” a CNN spokesperson told Mediaite.Hill urged countries to boycott Israel in a speech on Wednesday, calling for a “free Palestine from the river to the sea.” His comments sparked an immediate backlash, with many noting “from the river to the sea” is a phrase used by Hamas and other anti-Israel terror groups. The phrase implies the replacement of Israel by a Palestine stretching from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea — though Hill disputes this characterization of his comments.“We have an opportunity to not just offer solidarity in words but to commit to political action, grass-roots action, local action and international action that will give us what justice requires and that is a free Palestine from the river to the sea,” Hill said in his speech.

Fox News has more:

At one point, Hill poured himself some water and told participants that he just got off a flight from “Palestine” and that “I was boycotting the Israeli water so I was unable to quench my thirst.”“If we are standing in solidarity with the Palestinian people, we must recognize the right of an occupied people to defend itself,” Hill said during a portion of his speech comparing the Palestinian movement with the American civil-rights movement. ” We must prioritize peace, but we must not romanticize or fetishize it.”

The National Council of Young Israel and Anti-Defamation League condemned Hill’s comments. Others joined in:

Anne Bayefsky, director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust and president of Human Rights Voices, told Fox News that Hill’s speech was an “especially obscene U.N. moment that reveals the true nature of the anti-Israel and anti-Jewish animus of the modern United Nations.”“Hill’s call at the United Nations for the destruction of the Jewish state was not some accident,” Bayefsky added. “He didn’t misspeak. He was an invited guest. He was the only person invited to speak as ‘the’ representative of ‘civil society.’ When he ended his extraordinary tirade with ‘Give us a free Palestine from the river to the sea’ his words were met by a round of applause. The only applause for any speaker.”

Hill teaches media studies and urban education at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. He previously taught at Morehouse College in Atlanta, GA, and Columbia University in New York City.

Hill has a long history of showcasing his anti-Israel views. Back in 2015, Professor Jacobson wrote, “Wow, Marc Lamont Hill drank the anti-Israel Kool-Aid” about the anti-Israel group Dream Defenders that tried to hijack the Ferguson protests. Hill belongs to it and even starred in a video of a “flash mob” of the group in Nazareth in Israel, but they called the location Palestine.

The in 2016, Professor Jacobson wrote about how Hill announced his intention to vote “in favor of a resolution at the American Anthropological Association to boycott Israeli academia under the expansive guidelines of the BDS movement.” It failed.

Tags: Antisemitism, BDS, CNN, Marc Lamont Hill