Brett Kavanaugh Receives Standing Ovation at Federalist Society Convention
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Brett Kavanaugh Receives Standing Ovation at Federalist Society Convention

Brett Kavanaugh Receives Standing Ovation at Federalist Society Convention

His first public appearance

At the Federalist Society Convention Thursday night, Justice Kavanaugh received a boisterous standing ovation:

Buzzfeed has more:

US Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh received an enthusiastic welcome at this year’s Federalist Society convention, with hundreds of members of the influential conservative lawyers group erupting into cheers and applause when his name was announced at the kick-off dinner Thursday night.

Kavanaugh was one of four justices to attend the black-tie–optional Antonin Scalia Memorial Dinner, held in the cavernous, statue-lined hall of Union Station in Washington, DC. Kavanaugh was the last justice in attendance announced — justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, and Neil Gorsuch were also there — and the standing ovation he received lasted nearly a minute.

The dinner marked Kavanaugh’s first public appearance since his bruising confirmation process. The conservative legal community largely rallied around Kavanaugh after allegations surfaced accusing him of committing sexual assault in high school and college — claims that he vigorously denied — and his appearance at the dinner represented a victory celebration.


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Good. He deserved all that support.

Chuck Schumer later demanded his invitation be rescinded and his stomach pumped.

Pelosi insists that Merrick Garland receive an invitation.

Judge Timothy J. Kelly, CNN‘s new bestie, is a member of the Federalist Society.

After the scandulous assault he received from the violent vociforous Leftist orcs and their enablers in Congress, he deserves it. Bravo to Kavanaugh.

“statue-lined hall of Union Station in Washington, DC.”

One statue is different from the others, or it was until being a male became the equivalent of being Idi Amin (or Brett Kavanaugh to the butchers of the Democrat party).

Bravo Zulu.

But it’s a disgrace that the GOP allowed what happened to such a good man. And to his family.

They better pull their head out of their ass if they expect us to fight for them post Trump.