Antifa Mob Threatens Tucker Carlson at His Washington DC Home
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Antifa Mob Threatens Tucker Carlson at His Washington DC Home

Antifa Mob Threatens Tucker Carlson at His Washington DC Home

“We know where you sleep at night!”

While Tucker Carlson was on the air in the Washington, DC, FOX News studio on Wednesday night, a mob of Antifa thugs assembled outside of his home and threatened him and his family.

The group that did this is Smash Racism DC, the same folks who harassed Ted Cruz and his wife at a restaurant last month.

Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller broke the story:

A Mob Showed Up Outside Tucker Carlson’s House and Ordered Him to ‘Leave Town’

A left-wing mob showed up outside Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s house Wednesday evening, posted pictures of his address online and demanded that he flee the city of Washington, D.C.

Carlson, a co-founder of The Daily Caller and host of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” was at the Fox News studio when the angry crowd showed up outside of his house.

At least one of the protesters went all the way up to Carlson’s front door, where they left a sign with his family’s home address written on it and rang his doorbell.

Video of the group, “Smash Racism DC,” shows one of the mob’s ringleaders leading the crowd in chants of “racist scumbag, leave town!” and “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

The group posted a picture of the sign with the Carlson family’s address on it to Twitter.

“Tucker Carlson, you cannot hide from the people you hurt with your rhetoric, your lies, and your hate,” the group wrote on Twitter, adding the hashtag “#KnockKnockTucker.”

Twitter removed the tweet with Carlson’s address after an inquiry from The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Carlson spoke to The Washington Post:

“I called my wife,” Carlson told The Washington Post in a phone interview. “She had been in the kitchen alone getting ready to go to dinner and she heard pounding on the front door and screaming. … Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door.”

His wife, thinking it was a home invasion, locked herself in the pantry and called 911, Carlson said. The couple have four children, but none were home at the time.

“It wasn’t a protest. It was a threat,” said Carlson, who is often denounced by critics, particularly liberal critics, for inflammatory rhetoric about immigrants and minorities on his Fox News show. “They weren’t protesting anything specific that I had said. They weren’t asking me to change anything. They weren’t protesting a policy or advocating for legislation. … They were threatening me and my family and telling me to leave my own neighborhood in the city that I grew up in.”

The group proudly posted video of their actions on Twitter but they have since been removed. You can see one video below. It shows one person approaching the front door and then another speaking through a megaphone. Finally, the crowd begins chanting: “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night!”

Robby Starbuck notes that Tucker has four kids:

Joe Concha of the Hill concurs:

Remember last month when the liberal media scolded America for using the word mobs? What will they call this?

If we had a real media, reporters would now be asking Maxine Waters if she feels any responsibility for this, given her now famous directive to the left:

“If you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.”

Waters was talking about members of the Trump cabinet, but people on the hard left have clearly expanded the concept to include any targets they please.

This is dangerous and it won’t end well.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Hope Tucker has armed himself.

    tkdkerry in reply to Virginia42. | November 8, 2018 at 11:38 am

    Indeed. If anything underscores the stupidity of saying “nobody needs an AR-15” and “nobody needs that many bullets”, it’s something like this.

    I hope he has armed himself, too.

    I’ve read that he has concealed carry. I hope his wife will now as well.
    Hasn’t antifa been labeled a domestic terror org yet?
    If not, it needs to be asap.
    Put these goons away for a long, long time.

      JusticeDelivered in reply to lc. | November 8, 2018 at 5:07 pm

      Many times I told me wife that if she had to shoot someone that she should aim for their belt buckle. Antifa needs to have a close encounter with people who are armed. The day a bunch of them leave the scene in body bags is when the rest of them reconsider their actions

      Andy in reply to lc. | November 8, 2018 at 7:48 pm

      I have a Belgian Malinois. He would clear Tucker’s yard in 20 seconds.

Why don’t things like this happen to me? Oh, that’s right. I live in Texas.

    AmandaFitz in reply to Arminius. | November 8, 2018 at 9:38 am

    Given the straight party voting for Democrats (who were mostly UNQUALIFIED) that happened in Harris and Ft. Bend counties, don’t count on Texas REMAINING a bulwark against these crazies!

“This is dangerous and it won’t end well.”

Our mid-term elections just offered its seal of approval to the party promoting this violence and intimidation.

The idea of compromising with these people is absurd. Their activities need to be immediately punished with severity. Every time Antifa and other such groups assemble anywhere without a permit, they need to be arrested, jailed and fined. And that includes all participants, not just the ones that club people in the head as all are equally guilty for their combined actions.

Maybe Tucker would like to borrow a ten gauge off me.

assemblerhead | November 8, 2018 at 9:14 am

They try that ‘stunt’ in Texas … it will be ‘Open Season’. No bag limit either.

Why no report of what happened in response to the 911 call?

    Arminius in reply to Rduke008. | November 8, 2018 at 9:37 am

    Maybe because it’s Washington D.C.

    I don’t know what kind of crime it takes for a leftist to get convicted in D.C.

    “Limo Set on Fire at Trump Inauguration Parade: CAUGHT ON TAPE”

    Apparently this isn’t it.

    The funny thing is, who owns a limo company in D.C.? Republicans? Republicans are driving around limousine libs like Pelosi? Oh, sure. I’m a capitalist. I’ll take her cash. I would even be polite to her while I’m doing it.

    But considering that 99.99% of D.C. residents vote Democrat what do you imagine the odds are that the owner of that limo was a Trump supporter?

    I’m going to stand back and enjoy watching the leftists eat their own. Who wants some pancakes?

    stablesort in reply to Rduke008. | November 8, 2018 at 9:59 am

    If it were Portland, Oregon, the police would just let them fight it out.

    Just like immigration, there is legal protests and illegal protests and the authorities had best start reminding the illegals that there are consequences.

      iconotastic in reply to stablesort. | November 8, 2018 at 7:21 pm

      If it were Portland Oregon the police would stand off until people started to beat down these brownshirts and then they would step in to arrest those who dared to fight against the fascists/Marxists. Same as in NYC.

WMAL is reporting that Ruth Bader Ginsberg is in the hospital with multiple broken ribs

Someone started throwing himself against the front door and actually cracked the front door.

His wife, thinking it was a home invasion, locked herself in the pantry and called 911,

Joe Biden advised her to shoot through the door.

This by definition is terrorism. There is no constitutional justification for these actions. If the courts refuse to take justifiable action maybe it is time to consider a Second Amendment solution.

DieJustAsHappy | November 8, 2018 at 9:55 am

Mrs. Carlson locked herself in a pantry and called 911. I wonder whether what, if any, defensive measures she has for herself and children.

If they cracked the front door, who knows how the matter might have gone has the door caved. It might have been the spark to elevate the situation to a whole different worse level.

How much is a ticket for using an AR-15 to rake your lawn without a permit?

The New York Times hasn’t reported on this (yet), therefore it didn’t happen. For news media will run a story if the NYT has run it, but maybe not if it hasn’t.

Perhaps it’s more important to remember that Pres. Trump (our Constitutionally elected president) represents incipient fascism, but lawless street mobs threatening anyone they dislike are not.

If they start selling them by the crate again, these are good rifles.

Some find the bolts on these rifles hard to work. The key is to lay your hand on top of the bolt, your thumb extending to the left. Then grasp the bolt with as many fingers as will fit. Then pull it up and back

And of course push it back and down

caseoftheblues | November 8, 2018 at 10:49 am

It’s frightening to think what they would have done to his wife had they managed to break down the door….the one upsmanship and mob mentality can and often has led to deaths.

    break down the front door of our house and my wife will ventilate your heart/lung group…

    sooner or later the Pantifa are going to pull this sort of 5hit with the wrong person or persons, and wind up dead.

caseoftheblues | November 8, 2018 at 10:49 am

It’s frightening to think what they would have done to his wife had they managed to break down the door….the one upsmanship and mob mentality can and often has led to deaths.

I see the Democrats have gone back to their good ol’ KKK tactics.

Tell me again why we tolerate this.

Might not be a great idea to doxx a guy with the will to fight back, plus a popular national TV show and millions of angry viewers.

Stuff could get broken or something.

    thalesofmiletus in reply to Demonized. | November 8, 2018 at 12:52 pm

    There’s a saying about starting wars with folks that purchase ink by the barrel.

    Same wisdom applies here, but of course wisdom is something the Left rallies against, so…

By not reining in these thugs, the Dems are virtually insuring that this country descends into violent civil war. And, it is not going to get any better in the near future.

The liberal/progressive left is totally out of control. Since before the 2016 elections, the left has been using open violence against anyone whom they do not like. And, it usually happens in urban areas or liberal suburban areas. Now that the House is under Democrat control, these lunatic thugs are now emboldened.

Because of these antics, we face two equally likely possibilities. One is a move toward a more totalit6arian society, where people’s previously lawful actions are more tightly controlled by the government(s) and the other is a popular uprising against liberals threatening violence. Neither is a good option and both would potentially destroy this nation.

When one looks at the activities during the last three years, they are indicative of a semi-organized attack upon the United States of America. Immigrant hordes invading the country, civil revolt against the federal government through the use of sanctuary cities and states, rioting in the streets, thugs harassing and threatening government officials and political opponents and the use of the press to malign political opponents are all strong indicators that there is a serious movement afoot to destabilize this country. A reaction is coming from the middle and the right, in this country. And, when it happens, it will plunge this country into chaos. which is the goal.

Keep a very close eye on the actions of our government(s) in the next few months.

    Ragspierre in reply to Mac45. | November 8, 2018 at 12:08 pm

    “One is a move toward a more totalit6arian society, where people’s previously lawful actions are more tightly controlled by the government(s) and the other is a popular uprising against liberals threatening violence.”

    Nonsense. The sovereign remedy (see what I did there?) is simple law enforcement. This can be demanded by normal people. Our LEO structures are telescopic, by which I mean that if a local officer cannot be relied on to act, there is another set of LEOs above them, and above them.

    We have to demand the rule of law.

      One of the historical methods for imposing a totalitarian society is the fomenting of civil disruption so that the government “has” to impose stricter controls on its citizens. This has happened a number of times, including in Germany in the 1930s.

      The “rule of law”, as evolved from English Common Law and within the United states has attempted to balance the imposition of governmental controls on the populous, in order to maintain a relatively stable society, with individual freedom. Government usually will attempt to increase those controls, while the citizenry is expected to work to keep personal controls at a minimum.

      As to demanding enforcement of the “law”, this can be a double edged sword, depending upon the law in question. If the law requires that everyone surrender their weapons and carry identification, which must be produced upon the demand of a LEO, would you agree that this is a good thing and we are all better off if these laws are strictly enforced? Laws change. And, an unresponsive legislature can impose laws which are not beneficial to the citizenry. That is one reason why we have a 2nd Amendment, to keep our government honest and responsive to the will of the people.

      Do yourself a big favor and keep a close eye on the actions of your elected officials in the near future. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.

        Ragspierre in reply to Mac45. | November 8, 2018 at 1:32 pm

        “As to demanding enforcement of the “law”, this can be a double edged sword, depending upon the law in question. If the law requires that everyone surrender their weapons and carry identification, which must be produced upon the demand of a LEO, would you agree that this is a good thing and we are all better off if these laws are strictly enforced?”

        Straw man.

        We all know what laws should be enforced, and how they can be without your dystopian nonsense.

        I’m one of the prime proponents of civil disobedience here. Please never preach to me about “eternal vigilance”, nutter.

          As you seem to have missed my POINT, let me explain it to you, AGAIN.

          You discount the potential for a totalitarian state to emerge by simply enforcing existing laws. This totally ignores that fact that laws can be repealed or other laws enacted which can change the social dynamic entirely.

          On February 27, 1933, a fire was set in the Reichstag Building in Germany. It was blamed on Marius van der Lubbe, a communist. This incident led to the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of the People and State (“Reichstag Fire Decree”), which resulted in the suspension of numerous guaranteed rights and privileges for the German people and led to NAZI domination of that nation. As a result, the new Reichstag passed more and more totalitarian laws, including universal gun control and the confiscation of all firearms not authorized by the state.

          As we all know, the Democrats, and not a few Republican politicians first reaction to civil violence is to restrict the rights of the citizenry. It happened in NYC in 1911 with the passage of the Sullivan Act. It has happened since with gun control measures across the country following incidents such as Sandy Hook. So, it is really pretty naive to think that such totalitarian restrictions could not be imposed in the US. And, if they are bad laws, well I guess that strict enforcement is a good thing.

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | November 8, 2018 at 3:44 pm

          Nope. I’ve not missed a damn thing.

          I just exposed your bullshit about “two choices” AND your dystopian nonsense about the laws that need to be enforced, as opposed to your nutter vision of a straw man.

          There is a broad consensus in the nation about basic laws and their enforcement. From Joe Sixpack to Josephine the software developer.

          I love the way you ignore what I say and simply say whatever you want without any attempt at supporting your position.

          By the way, how is the unicorn doing?

          Ragspierre in reply to Ragspierre. | November 8, 2018 at 4:41 pm

          I spoke directly to your “points”. You can’t counter mine.

          To recap…

          There aren’t TWO and only TWO ways in which Antifa can be met.

          Your dystopian bullshit straw man argument about law enforcement is vacant.

          And, finally, there is broad…and sane…consensus about our basic laws respecting keeping of the peace and their enforcement, you poor nutter.

          Now who can’t read? I did not limit the means of dealing with Antifa thugs at all. Here is what I wrote up to the part that you cherry-picked: “By not reining in these thugs, the Dems are virtually insuring that this country descends into violent civil war. And, it is not going to get any better in the near future.

          The liberal/progressive left is totally out of control. Since before the 2016 elections, the left has been using open violence against anyone whom they do not like. And, it usually happens in urban areas or liberal suburban areas. Now that the House is under Democrat control, these lunatic thugs are now emboldened.

          Because of these antics, we face two equally likely possibilities.”

          Notice that I said that due to the actions of our elected representatives that we are faced with two LIKELY RESULTS. “One is a move toward a more totalit6arian society, where people’s previously lawful actions are more tightly controlled by the government(s) and the other is a popular uprising against liberals threatening violence. Neither is a good option and both would potentially destroy this nation.” I deem these to be LIKELY results. They are not the only results. However, these anarchist incidents have been going on, virtually unchecked, for over six years. So, to date, traditional LE has not proven very effective in preventing them from occurring.

          The point is that liberal politicians, and some moderate politicians, usually favor placing further restrictions on the actions of the citizenry, rather than simply demanding common sense enforcement of existing laws. The reason is because they do not want to stop these types of acts, as they are of benefit to them. So, our elected officials will do what they always do, attempt to increase their control of the population through legislation. If this does not work and traditional LE methods prove inadequate to controlling this problem, then the citizenry will take steps to protect themselves from attack. This will involve violence which will engender a violent response from the anarchists which will engender a response…. But, you get the picture.

          As to there being “And, finally, there is broad…and sane…consensus about our basic laws respecting keeping of the peace and their enforcement, you poor nutter.” this is naive hogwash. Look at such diverse places as Portland Oregon, Berkley California, Baltimore Maryland, NYC New York and Ferguson Missouri and tell me that there is a broad and sane consensus as to basic laws concerning keeping of the peace and law enforcement. Please.

          JusticeDelivered in reply to Ragspierre. | November 8, 2018 at 10:37 pm

          It never takes long for Rags to show off his Little person Syndrome.

Bow Wow. Fen can explain..

bart simpsonson | November 8, 2018 at 12:48 pm

I say that Twitter is legally complicit in many of the illegal actions of their “Tweeters” in that they are allowing their platform to be used to spread their gospel and their plans while at the same time riding close herd on conservatives…..Further, they may be opening themselves up to lawsuits and damages from said promotion of antifa and the like………

Has Andrew ever commented (speculated) about armed defense of these kinds of situations?

I read last evening that these thugs were banging on the door and/or ringing the bell with threatening shouts of “we know where you sleep” and “you’re not safe”. Though they did not make it into the home, it certainly sounds like they threatened the occupants and posed the threat of coming in …

It would be very difficult for me, in such a situation, to remain in my home with such a threat outside. It would be hard for me not to circle around the back of my home and approach them from the side, armed, to protect my wife, kids and property.

    snopercod in reply to MrE. | November 8, 2018 at 5:31 pm

    I’m pretty sure Mr. Branca would advise that you can’t just shoot people for standing on your lawn yelling at you and your family. Dispersing that rabble was the job of the police. Where the hell were they?

      Can the police even respond timely?

      What I’m wondering, from the stand point of protecting my wife and children, from people who are trespassing on private property, shouting and banging on my door as if to enter or break in – can a person reasonably exit the home and confront the thug(s) on the property outside the home to demand they leave? Does “stand your ground” and private property rights provide for that? Or, does a body have to wait for them to break in before defending yourself and your family? Is there any provision in the law to advance toward the threat and take a fixed position in protection of loved ones?

    Bruce Hayden in reply to MrE. | November 11, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    He just guest blogged at Ace of Spades. Bottom line – the minute that they cracked the front door, Carlson’s wife was very likely legally entitled to use deadly force against the mob, under DC law. A single person breaking in, maybe not. But a mob? Oh yeh.

these people aren’t ” protesting ” anything–this could in no way be perceived as ” civil disobedience “–this sort of action is outside the law, is deliberate intimidation/violence against innocent people–it’s just pure bullshit–this needs to be addressed and immediately by law enforcement–if the law folks cannot/will not act to control this sort of thing then it is up to citizens to handle the problem–had this been our home and my lady inside, at least a couple and probably more of those antifa bastards would have left the scene in body bags

if those we employ and charge to protect us either cannot or will not do their jobs, then it falls on us to respond and restore the peace by whatever means are required

    Ragspierre in reply to texansamurai. | November 8, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    I concur…sorta.

    You have to be very careful and very informed, or you could wind up facing criminal charges.

      Edward in reply to Ragspierre. | November 8, 2018 at 6:11 pm

      And particularly informed on the laws of your state and/or locality. An action which is legal in one place may well be a criminal violation in another.

juliathemechanic | November 8, 2018 at 1:14 pm

Only one thing to do. Get yourself a good dark light camera and begin taking photos of all your harassers. Install small audio recorders in your bushes and arlound your property. Record. Then post all of your new data to the internet and offer a small reward for anyone who can identify these people. Then, have a personal representative show up in the administrative offices of their colleges or their jobs and inform them that they will be prosecuted legally if they don’t cease and desist the assault on you and your property. Call them out publicly and mention their names and places of work or school if the assaults don’t stop.

juliathemechanic | November 8, 2018 at 1:16 pm

Ah, another thought: use My Doorbell. If anyone has the nerve to knock on the front door their face will be visualized and you can record it. You can tell them that they’re on Candid Camera.

juliathemechanic | November 8, 2018 at 1:16 pm

Ah, another thought: use My Doorbell. If anyone has the nerve to knock on the front door their face will be visualized and you can record it. You can tell them that they’re on Candid Camera.

The progress of democratic socialism through deplatforming, intimidation, stalking, assaults, and outright violence, since the conception of this administration, during its birth (“inauguration”), and now the eighth trimester? He’s viable. Planned President is not a choice.

Tucker will take them on. Investigate and expose these guys. He will make it his mission.

The power given to the left in this last vote condones this behavior. Shame on the American people for furthering the cause of violence because of disagreement with another’s views.

These are the exact opposite of what their name implies. They are Fascists. And the American people gave power in the House to the party they have the support of.

Situations like this are what dogs are intended for.

It is being reported that another chant this bunch likes is:

“No Wall” “No Border” “No USA”

If they had broken down the door everything changes. I’m pretty sure that even in DC you can shoot people breaking down your door, as they are obviously imminent threats.

    Bruce Hayden in reply to randian. | November 11, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    AB just blogged this over at Ace of Spades. My interpretation of what he said is that because of the mob, breaking down the door would have been an open invitation to use deadly force. Very possibly when the door cracked.

It’s interesting to compare the response to the violation of Tucker’s rights with the response to the Acosta v White House affair.

It also seems very clear that the process of ‘othering’ conservatives is now complete in the legal and journalistic arenas. From slaps on the wrist in deadly force (bicycle lock) assaults to orders to stand by and watch (Oregon), the legal system is no longer a reliable defender of conservative rights. The legal system only works if the police, courts and jury are fair and impartial. None of the 3 can pass the smell test. Self defense law is only a shield if the jury doesn’t say that you had it coming so it’s your fault = guilty. If that sounds harsh, you haven’t met my well educated, very liberal neighbors; they are a big part of the jury pool here. Having been othered, we no longer have legal protections. In fact, it would be wrong to give us any protections and the law will now be used to destroy us. Just as it is during every left wing takeover; you go to the camps in a legally sound manner, for the betterment of society.

I wish I sounded more optimistic, but our performance on Tue was dismal. Far too close in far too many cases, and we got beat in the downstream races. Considering the violent response from the left to their victory (Acosta [make no mistake – for the setting, it was violent – in your face disobedience], Antifa) and the ho-hum reaction to it, we are in trouble. The law cannot be counted on to protect us. We others (deplorables) have no rights.

You invade my curtilage, you reap the consequences.

What a lode of hysterical, hyperbolic, snot-bubble blowing, pitiful-me bullshit.

actually, he makes several valid points

the most important one(at least to me)is that with the obvious complicity of the media and the(not-so-obvious)complicity of law enforcement, we are fast approaching the point where we’re back in the wild, wild west–when good citizens are afraid to speak out/strike out against hooligans for fear of personal consequences, then we have vacated(by default)our claims to the bill of rights and our other freedoms/opportunities in this great country–freedom demands responsibility and occaisional sacrifice

that you ” sorta concur ” is very telling–sometimes in this life, you just can’t sit on the fence–it’s just not an option–say we were neighbors–were this your home that had been attacked and knowing you were not there to protect your family, would have taken action myself to protect them and keep them safe–why?–because no matter your politics/race/religious affiliations, you and your family are my neighbors and what these antifa bastards are doing is wrong–and taking personal action to protect your family is what you rightfully should expect me or your other neighbors to do in your absence(or to also come to your aid and support if you ARE there)–it’s what good people expect of one another–we live here together and we ALL want to live this life in peace

hope you survive the fall when they knock that fence out from under you

you’d probably better stay indoors when the party starts

    Ragspierre in reply to texansamurai. | November 9, 2018 at 2:42 pm

    I never straddled ANY “fence”. I was giving sound advice from a conservative lawyer’s POV, which is valuable.

    Why do you think one of the LI authors is an expert on self-defense and use of deadly force law?

    The idiot reference to “camps” and “having no rights” is simply hysterical.

    [Tucker Carlson] Thursday said he was pleased with the support he received following the protest [more appropriately attack].

    “For every masked lunatic in front of my house, there have been a hundred people, some of whom I don’t agree with politically, sending texts of support and kindness, and it’s just a reminder of what a really nice country it is,” he said.

    “Nobody is really for this except for a tiny minority of people,” he added.

    To which I add, “Amen”.