After Hillary lost 2016 presidential election, payoffs — I mean donations — to the Clinton Foundation plummeted

Everybody put on your *shocked face* for what I am about to tell you.

In 2017, donations to the Clinton Foundation plummeted compared to 2016. What possibly could have been the cause?

Oh, that’s right. Hillary lost the 2016 election, so currying favor with the likely next president who didn’t actually become the next president, and her rascally husband, no longer was necessary.

The NY Post reports, Donations to Clinton Foundation plunged after Hillary’s defeat:

In the year after Hillary Clinton’s presidential defeat, donors seemed to abandon the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation, with contributions plummeting nearly 58 percent.The $36 million nosedive in donations has come to light as Republican legislators plan to hold hearings on the results of a federal corruption investigation into the non-profit next month.Federal authorities have long been probing the non-profit over allegations of “pay to play.” Specifically, the FBI investigation focused on whether any donations made to the foundation were linked to policy decisions made while Hillary Clinton was secretary of state from 2009 to 2013, according to published reports.The foundation has vigorously and repeatedly denied any wrongdoing.Contributions plunged from $62,912,331 in 2016 to $26,566,825 in 2017, recently released federal tax filings show….Executives at the non-profit said the drop in foundation revenue is due to restructuring, after the announcement in August 2016 that the Clinton Global Initiative, a foundation program that tackled some of the world’s most urgent social problems, such as health care and disaster preparedness, had shut down.

The investigation into the Clinton Foundation started no later than January 2018:

The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in the coming weeks.The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said.

This video report on the start of the investigation is from January 2018:

More on the upcoming House hearings and the federal investigation of the Clinton Foundation via The Hill:

Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said Tuesday that House Republicans plan to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the prosecutor appointed by former Attorney General Jeff Sessions to probe alleged wrongdoing by the Clinton Foundation.Meadows, who is chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations, told Hill.TV’s “Rising” that it’s time to “circle back” to U.S. Attorney John Huber’s investigation with the Justice Department into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged any improper activities.“Mr. Huber with the Department of Justice and FBI has been having an investigation — at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th,” he told Hill.TV during an interview on Wednesday.Meadows, who is also the chairman of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said the committee plans to delve into a number of Republicans concerns surrounding the foundation, including whether any tax-exempt proceeds were used for personal gain and whether the foundation complied with IRS laws.Sessions appointed Huber last year to work in tandem with the Justice Department to look into conservative claims of misconduct at the FBI and review several issues surrounding the Clintons. This includes former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s ties to a Russian nuclear agency and concerns about the Clinton Foundation.Huber’s work has remained shrouded in mystery. The White House has released little information about Huber’s assignment other than Sessions’s address to Congress saying his appointed successor should address concerns raised by Republicans.But Meadows said the committee thinks it’s time Huber gives an update to Congress about his findings and expects him to be one of the witnesses at the hearing.

The hearings will be the last gasp of House Republicans before they lose control of the House in January.

House Republicans can’t “Lock. Her. Up.” But they can begin to understand whether the feds are likely to do that.

Tags: Bill Clinton, DOJ, Hillary Clinton, Mark Meadows