Actress claims Avenatti called her an “ungrateful b*tch” and left red marks on her body

Monday, actress Mareli Miniutti requested a restraining order against estranged boyfriend, Michael Avenatti. Avenatti, of course, represented porn actress Stormy Daniels in her complaints against President Trump.

Now, details of that alleged encounter have emerged.

According to Miniutti, she has been living with Avenatti since January. On November 13, she alleges Avenatti called her an “ungrateful bitch,” forcibly drug her from bed, through the apartment, and into the hall. Miniutti claims that the encounter left her scratched up.

The Blast has more details:

Michael Avenatti is accused of attacking his girlfriend and dragging her around the apartment floor while calling her an “Ungrateful f*cking bitch,” this according to the declaration submitted by Mareli Miniutti.Miniutti claims she had been living with Stormy Daniels’ attorney since January, and on November 13, they got into an argument over money. She claims Avenatti called her an “Ungrateful f*cking bitch” and began forcefully hitting her in the face with pillows from the bed.She says Avenatti exclaimed, “Do not disrespect me,” and then told her she could not sleep in his house that night. She says he grabbed the “wrist of my right arm,” and “attempted to pull me out of bed.”Miniutti claims she tried texting a friend for help, but claims Avenatti grabbed the cell phone. The actress says he remained very close to her and she was afraid for her safety.Avenatti then allegedly grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of bed, on the floor and through the apartment and out the front door into the hallway. Miniutti claims she was injured while being dragged, and provided pictures of her alleged injuries in her court filing.The actress says she was in her underwear and also suffered scratches to her back. After being dragged into the hallway, Miniutti says she began ringing a neighbor’s doorbell until Avenatti allegedly ran out and pulled her back into his apartment.

Avenatti denied Miniutti’s account and says he looks forward to the evidence proving his innocence. From NBC:

“I have never been physically abusive in my life nor was I last night. Any accusations to the contrary are fabricated and meant to do harm to my reputation. I look forward to being fully exonerated,” Avenatti said in a statement at the time. He has since repeatedly denied the accusations on Twitter, and claims he has surveillance footage that shows he is innocent.On Tuesday, he tweeted his request to have the building where the alleged incident happened turn over footage from Nov. 13 and Nov. 14 to the Los Angeles Police Department.Avenatti told NBC News Tuesday that he will be proven innocent when all the facts come out.”I have not been charged with any crime,” Avenatti said. “When all of the facts and evidence, including the security footage, the Instagram posts, and physical evidence is disclosed — which I desperately want — I will be proven innocent. I have done nothing wrong.”Miniutti, who is requesting a permanent restraining order, said that Tuesday’s incident wasn’t the first time Avenatti had been abusive. She said he once pushed her in the hallway, where she hit her head, and he threw shoes at her.

Tags: Los Angeles, Michael Avenatti