US Embassy in Australia Accidentally Sends Cookie Monster Cat Email Invite
Alas, there is no Cat Pajama Jam after all…
The US Embassy in Canberra, Australia apologized for accidentally sending an email of a cat, dressed in a Cookie Monster onesie, holding a plate of cookies.
The email subject “meeting” was followed by the pic of the kitty and the title, “cat pajama-jam.”
#Australia: US embassy in Canberra has apologised for a "training error" after distributing a fake meeting invitation, complete with a photo of a pyjama-wearing cat under the title "meeting": "Sorry to disappoint those of you who were hoping to attend this 'cat pajama-jam' party"
— Amichai Stein (@AmichaiStein1) October 15, 2018
From Yahoo News:
The United States’ embassy in Canberra has apologised for a “training error” after distributing a fake meeting invitation, complete with a photo of a pyjama-wearing cat.
The email, titled “meeting”, featured a photo of a tabby cat wearing a blue Cookie Monster outfit and holding a plate of choc-chip biscuits, beneath the title “cat pajama-jam”.
In a clear case of misdirected correspondence last week, the email also contained a section of Latin and recipients were given the option to hit an RSVP tab.
It’s unknown how widely the email, sent by the US Department of State, was distributed.
US Mission to Australia public affairs counsellor Gavin Sundwall kept his apology lighthearted.
“Sorry to disappoint those of you who were hoping to attend this ‘cat pajama-jam’ party, but such an event falls well outside our area of expertise,” he wrote in a follow-up email two days after the original.
“It was a training error made by one of our new staff testing out our email newsletter platform.”
Mr Sundwall said “strong new management controls” would be added to prevent a repeat of the mistake.
Meanwhile, in New Zealand:
We are actually LOLing here in NZ @USAembassyinOZ ????????????
— US Embassy NZ ???????????????? (@usembassynz) October 15, 2018

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Ain’t that the cat’s pajamas?
Their account was hacked by Russian dogs.
I know one cat thats gonna kick some ass THEN eat all the damned cookies.
and then lick its groin…
Now Maxine will have another reason to impeach Trump. Dammit to hell.
I can hear Crazy Maxine now: “Under Trump, the State Department is trafficking in kitty porn!”
Thanks, on a day when it is raining hard and the temperature is a record low – about 30 degrees below normal (who left the North gate open?), I needed a good laugh.
Fauxcahontas just released another DNA test:
she now claims she’s 1/45541680649877778678542116156th cat.
Is she played by Danny John-Jules?
LOL! My main man Milhouse! Two thumbs up.
Any one/thing he played would be much more believable and consistent.
Dang it, that was supposed to be in reply to Milhouse.
Thumbs up!
Going through the Twitter feed it’s interesting seeing how fucked in the head some liberals are compared to the good natured banter from other embassy/consulates.
Liberalism quite literally is a disease.