UNC Prof Nominates Christine Blasey Ford for ‘Distinguished Alumna’ Award

So begins the effort by liberals to make Ford into a folk hero. You knew this was coming, right?

The College Fix reports:

UNC professor nominates Kavanaugh accuser for distinguished-alumna awardA University of North Carolina English professor has nominated Christine Blasey Ford for a Distinguished Alumna award because she spoke “truth to power” when she recently accused Justice Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her.In the letter to the Office of Faculty Governance at UNC Chapel Hill, Professor Jessica Ho praises Ford for her “extreme act of bravery” of testifying in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee about her claims.Ho begins by acknowledging that Ford’s professional accomplishments are “not particularly extraordinary.” Rather, Ho argues, “what Dr. Ford did on September 27, 2018 was something extraordinary in how ordinary it was: she told the truth about a sexual assault she experienced when she was fifteen years old at the hands of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.”Ho writes that the nomination is not about “partisan politics,” but rather is “about recognizing that the simple act of speaking one’s truth, especially if that truth involves sexual assault, is an act of bravery. We live in a society that does not believe women.”“Her accomplishment is to be an alumna of integrity, who despite great personal cost to herself and her family told her story of her sexual assault and emboldened others to also find the courage to speak out against injustice,” Ho writes.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, College Insurrection