The Simpsons Reportedly Dropping ‘Apu’ Character for being a ‘Stereotype’
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The Simpsons Reportedly Dropping ‘Apu’ Character for being a ‘Stereotype’

The Simpsons Reportedly Dropping ‘Apu’ Character for being a ‘Stereotype’

“left-wing Indians are trying to dictate how Indian Americans view American society”

The long-running animated comedy series ‘The Simpsons’ is preparing to drop the character Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, the Indian-American owner of the ‘Kwik-E-Mart’ due to political correctness.

This became an issue when comedian Hari Kondabolu made a documentary film called “The Problem With Apu” which was released last year.

Many people have pointed out that dozens of characters on the Simpsons are stereotypes and that it’s part of the point and the charm, but Apu is on his way out.

Lakshmi Gandhi reports at NBC News:

‘The Simpsons’ reportedly dropping Apu amid debate over character

After a year of controversy surrounding the character of Apu, the hit animated show ‘The Simpsons’ may soon be dropping the character from the show.

The impact and lasting legacy of the fictional Apu Nahasapeemapetilon (voiced by Hank Azaria), has been sharply debated since the debut of comedian Hari Kondabolu’s documentary “The Problem With Apu” in November 2017, which examined the stereotypes about Indian Americans that Apu embodied. The documentary featured several South Asian celebrities and newsmakers, including comedian Aparna Nancherla and actor Kal Penn, as they recalled the way Apu made them reflect on their own identities.

Social media began buzzing on Friday when IndieWire published an interview with film producer Adi Shankar, who told the site that he had heard from several people close to “The Simpsons” that Apu would soon be dropped from the animated show…

“I’ve verified from multiple sources now: They’re going to drop the Apu character altogether,” Shankar told IndieWire. “They aren’t going to make a big deal out of it, or anything like that, but they’ll drop him altogether just to avoid the controversy.”

Apu has always been one of my favorite characters, not only for his humor, but for his dedication to working at the Kwik-E-Mart. Here’s a great moment:

Some people, including folks from India or of Indian ancestry, think this move is silly:

Pradheep J. Shanker, a doctor with a great Twitter account, wrote the following at National Review back in April:

Why the Apu Simpsons Controversy Bothers Me as an Indian American

The most recent shallow and silly controversy to erupt in our nation’s culture wars is apparently . . . the racial insensitivity of The Simpsons’ portrayal of our favorite Indian American, Apu Nahasapeemapetilon.

You may be forgiven if you didn’t even realize there was a controversy. In fact, in last week’s Simpsons episode that inflamed the ongoing fight over the character, I am willing to bet the vast majority of viewers missed the apparent slight to the social-justice warriors fighting to get fairness for the Indian cartoon character…

I think, as an Indian American, that what bothers me most about this entire new episode in our continual culture war is that a few like-minded, left-wing Indians are trying to dictate how Indian Americans view American society. The truth about Indian Americans? We are doing fine. We are currently the richest, most educated minority in America. We litter the halls of academia, medicine, and even Hollywood now. Our voices are heard in the White House, the United Nations, Congress, and state houses across America. If you want to pick a minority that has suffered from media biases, the last one I would pick is Indian Americans.

Social justice warrior culture strikes again. They won’t be satisfied until everyone is as miserable as they are.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Dudes. Stereotyping is an intrinsic part of comedy.

    Ragspierre in reply to dystopia. | October 28, 2018 at 10:36 am

    It’s also how we cope with life. We need a short-hand means to deal with what otherwise would be a baffling complexity.

    Stereotypes can be wrong, and they can be over-used, but they do have a lot of utility. That’s why they exist.

      MajorWood in reply to Ragspierre. | October 28, 2018 at 1:18 pm

      I wonder how it will be until the SJWs insist that all Indians be fired from jobs at quickee-marts as a means of destroying the racist stereotypes. OTOH, if it means MORE Brockmire, then I’m OK with the decision.

Lucky for us that Homer, Marge, Lisa, Bart, Ned Flanders, Groundskeeper Willie, Chief Wiggum,The Comic Book Guy, Mr. Burns, Fat Tony, Nelson Muntz, Waylon Simthers, Kent Brockman, Reverend Lovejoy … are all fully formed three dimensional characters with depth and meaning, capable of portraying a wide range of human triumphs and foibles.

If not for true to life characters like those listed above, the show might have to be canceled.

Is it just me? I never hear the left use the word “tolerance” anymore. Their masks appear to be off…except during riots.

… if Homer isn’t a stereotype then the word has no meaning.

I hate to hear Apu is going away.
Stereotype comedy can be mean-spirited or light-hearted,
Apu – like most every other Simpsons character – is obviously the second category.

Apu as portrayed is actually quite likable.

What would be sweet would be – if instead – the writers did a storyline making fun of SJW’s who think It should be made illegal for minorities to work at stereotypical workplaces – whereupon all the convenience store / nail salon / Chinese buffet / etc. workers cry shenanigans and form a mob to run them out of town….

But unfortunately, that would be a South Park episode instead……

    DaveGinOly in reply to BobM. | October 28, 2018 at 3:05 pm

    “Oh, I get it. Just because I Chinese, you think I can build wall.”
    One of my favorite lines from South Park.

Apu meets all of the attributes found in the Boys Scouts’ oath which is simply the indicia of a decent person – Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent.

And they’re getting rid of him. But retain characters who have few of those attributes. Like say, Moe.

First of the week I’ll be instructing my attorney to do the necessary research preliminary to filing a complaint. The elimination of Apu, without doubt, violates the United States – India Treaty on the Proliferation of Convenience Store Owners.

Congratulations SJW’s for getting rid of an ethnic minority from the television!!

The Friendly Grizzly | October 28, 2018 at 11:18 am

I don’t watch the Simpsons (no cable) so maybe this is already an inside joke. I noted that one of the video games in Apu’s store is “Great White Hunter”.

It’s a bit difficult to stomach, but this looks like an apudectomy.

There’s always “Kim’s Convenience” – a Canadian show on Netflix.

Maybe Joe Biden can take the part.

season 11 ep 3 they slam giving into peer pressure yet……here we are.

They might as well drop the whole damn show since Ned Flanders, Principal Skinner, Chief Wiggins, and the Simpsons themselves are all stereotypes.

For next year’s Halloween, have the episode totally PC with all of the characters a cross-section of the Progressives… that would be a nightmare… but the way they are going it might just turn out to be nothing special. Or… as noted about… make a Simpsons in a totally South Park mode.. a true homage.

DieJustAsHappy | October 28, 2018 at 12:44 pm

If it wasn’t for stereotypes, a whole lot of TV programs would have never hit the air. How ’bout it, Archie?!

I dropped this show many years ago. It’s not even funny or particularly interesting.

Apu represents the singular color of Indians. I wonder how many people see the world in black and white. How many people indulge in color judgments. That said, diversity claims another victim.

If some of the characters were not typical they would not be authentic. Remember obama’s “typical white person”.

In 1963, nearly all television characters were white.
In 2023, thanks to SJW whining, nearly all television characters will be…white.

Hey, is that gonna be progress or what?

EVERY character on the show is a stereotype.

If Apu goes, please, please replace him with a blonde haired, blue eyed, pale skinned woman of color. She can be a minority professor at a college. Submits authentic family recipes to be published in her minority status cookbook.

But sterotyping white folks is okey dokey.

Comedy has always been about stereotypes. Laughing about them, deriding them, making fun of those who cling to them and to those who are afraid of them.

good Grief. These people are just so, so, so ignorant. And foolish. This does not make them look very good. In fact it’s the opposite. Do they not realize this? Are they so tone deaf and petty?

This idiocy reminds me of the furor over the Taco Bell Chihuahua. He got in trouble for making friends with Godzilla.

Fat Tony the mobster, Luigi the chef who “talks-a lik-a deez,” and the Leprechaun that talks in unintelligible gibberish are staying, because those horrible stereotypes are funny or something…