Statements from Two of Kavanaugh’s Yale Classmates: “I Never Saw Brett Blackout. Not One Time.”
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Statements from Two of Kavanaugh’s Yale Classmates: “I Never Saw Brett Blackout. Not One Time.”

Statements from Two of Kavanaugh’s Yale Classmates: “I Never Saw Brett Blackout. Not One Time.”

“I never saw Brett black out or not be able to remember the prior evening’s events, nor did ever see Brett act aggressive, hostile, or in a sexually aggressive manner to women.”

Statements from two of Kavanaugh’s Yale classmates released Monday both say that they never saw Kavanaugh blackout drunk nor did they ever witness Kavanaugh being disrespectful to women.

Statement from Christ Dudley

Statement from Dan Murphey


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you know how the Left will treat this:

“they lying!”