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St. Lawrence U. Stands by Susan Collins – Won’t Rescind Honorary Degree

St. Lawrence U. Stands by Susan Collins – Won’t Rescind Honorary Degree

“there are no current plans to rescind the degree”

Professors and alums are demanding this but the school said no. Good for them.

The College Fix reports:

University refuses to rescind Susan Collins’s honorary degree despite demands

Sen. Susan Collins delivered an extensive and thoughtful rationale on the Senate floor for why she decided to cast a deciding vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the U.S. Supreme Court. But this wasn’t enough for alumni from her alma mater, St. Lawrence University in upstate New York, who have asked the school rescind her 2017 honorary degree because of the vote.

A letter accuses the Republican senator from Maine of not being “in line with the core values of St. Lawrence University and the commitments of its faculty, students, and staff.”

It initially praises her for voting to prevent the repeal of the Affordable Care Act in 2017, when she was given the honorary degree by the school. It then criticizes her as not possessing “the integrity and commitment to justice that we expect from the St. Lawrence body.”

“We ask that the University revoke this honorary degree as we find that she is not deserving of it in the face of her recent actions,” it reads. “We ask the university to do this in support of truth and for all of the victims of sexual assault and violence, of which many of her fellow alumni and students have suffered.”…

A university official said there are no current plans to rescind the degree, according to CBS News.

“Throughout its long history, St. Lawrence University has never rescinded any earned or honorary degree, and it has no intention of doing so in this situation,” the spokesman said.


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Fingers crossed this is just the first of many similar displays of courage by schools.

Give it back and tell the fascists they can use it for kindling in their book bonfire.

How about alumni donors start to call schools and ask for their money back since the school is no longer going in the same direction as when the gift was made.

While Oberlin thinks that the lawsuit is the worst of their problems, and they are using the “can’t comment on an open case” excuse to avoid addressing it with the alumni, it will be the big drop in donations following the painful and costly settlement and full release of the details that will hit them hardest.