Lisa Murkowski voted against closing debate on the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
That vote, has it not passed, would have killed the nomination.
Murkowski said she still hasn’t decided how she will vote on the final vote, but the damage is done.
Unless something crazy happens between today and tomorrow (always a possibility), Kavanaugh will be confirmed, no thanks to Murkowski regardless of how she votes in the final vote.
Sarah Palin issued a tweet suggesting a possible challenge to Murkowski in 2022, when Murkowski is up for reelection:
2022 is a long way away, and Palin didn’t explicitly say she’d challenge Murkowski. And the tweet was issued from Palin’s account, but not by Palin herself (tweets by Palin herself are signed “SP”). But it’s hard to imagine the tweet went out without her approval.
But expect some Republican to challenge Murkowski after this betrayal.
Of course, Murkowski has been challenged before, when Joe Miller beat her in the Republican primary in 2010 and she won as a write-in candidate.
Stay tuned.