Lisa Daftari is a FOX News guest, writer, and speaker who focuses on anti-radicalism. She is an Iranian-born Jew and an alumna of Rutgers University, where she was scheduled to give a talk on October 16th. Some students objected for entirely predictable reasons and the school caved.Aviv Khavich reports at The Centurion:
Rutgers Caves to Leftist Demands, Backtracks on Hosting Anti-Radicalism SpeakerDaftari spoke to The Centurion late Thursday evening detailing the cancellation, calling the decision “unreal”. Rutgers University had previously appeared to stand by her appearance in the face of criticism by left wing groups on campus, stating in a Twitter post that “If these issues are not brought to the forefront and given a chance to be debated, then they may continue to stay buried”. It is unknown at this time for what reason the event was cancelled.Daftari’s speech, ironically, was intended to be on the subject of “Radicalism on College Campus”, free speech, dialogue, and tolerance.Her appearance was criticized by portions of the student body, especially pro-Muslim groups, who called Daftari “Islamophobic”. The Muslim Public Relations Council penned an opinion piece in the Daily Targum claiming that the foreign affairs analyst “threaten[ed] the safety of students”.Additionally, an online petition was created on by Rutgers student Adeel Ahmed. At the time of writing, it had amassed 1,547 signatures. The petition contended that Daftari’s comments that “Islamic terror takes its guidance and teachings from the Quran, which is Sharia law”, were “Islamophobic”.
Aaron Bandler of Jewish Journal has more:
Rutgers Cancels Lisa Daftari Speech After Accusations of IslamophobiaDaftari, a Rutgers alumna and Iranian Jew, was scheduled to give a speech on Oct. 16 titled “Radicalism on College Campuses” and discuss free speech at universities. Some students objected to Daftari’s speaking event; Adeel Ahmad, who studies Art & Science at Rutgers and is the president of the university’s RU Progressives organization, started a petition accusing her of being an “Islamophobe”:
In a [2015] speech at The Heritage Foundation, Daftari remarked “Islamic terror takes its guidance and teachings from the Quran, which is Sharia law.” She went on to say, “When you go to the mosque and you’re part of a community, and you want to feel important and relevant, and want to give back to the cause — [ISIS] recruits you. You say- I can be an ISIS wife.” This statement, equating Muslims everywhere with ISIS, is undoubtedly hate-mongering. This is only a small sample of the type of harmful rhetoric Daftari has advanced and shared on various media platforms.
Rutgers University Student Assembly passed a resolution denouncing the school inviting Daftari to campus.
At first, Rutgers tried to claim they were postponing the event, but Daftari addressed that issue on Twitter:
Monica Crowley also chimed in:
This type of situation always goes in only one direction. Left wing speakers routinely visit college campuses all over the country without incident.
Featured image via YouTube.