Ocasio-Cortez: Defeating Global Warming Just Like Fighting the Nazis or Something

Ocasio Cortez Fight Climate Change

The left’s new favorite Democratic Socialist, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, appeared at a town hall meeting in Queens on Friday night and compared fighting global warming to defeating the Nazis in World War II. It is becoming increasingly difficult to take her seriously as a person, let alone as a candidate.

Cameron Cawthorne reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

Ocasio-Cortez: We Must Use Blueprint From Defeating Nazis to Defeat Global WarmingOcasio-Cortez appeared at a climate change town hall in College Point, a neighborhood in the New York City borough of Queens, where she discussed her “radical” plan to tackle global warming, according to a clip first flagged by the Republican National Committee.”When we talk about existential threats, the last time we had a really major existential threat in this country was around World War II, so we’ve been here before, and we have a blueprint of doing this before. None of these things are new ideas, but we have is an existential threat in the context of war,” Ocasio-Cortez said.”We had a direct existential threat with another nation and at this time it was Nazi Germany and Axis, who explicitly made the United States as an enemy, and what we did was that we chose to mobilize our entire continent and industrialize our entire continent, and we put hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, to work in defending our shores and defending this country.”

Watch the video below:

As you can probably imagine, this has sparked a strong reaction on Twitter. Here are some responses, via Twitchy:

This sort of talk might play well to a crowd of leftists in greater New York City, but to average Americans it comes off as pure lunacy. May she keep talking from now until election day.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democratic Socialism, global warming