Murkowski: Kavanaugh ‘is a Good Man,’ But ‘He’s Not the Right Man for the Court at This Time’
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Murkowski: Kavanaugh ‘is a Good Man,’ But ‘He’s Not the Right Man for the Court at This Time’

Murkowski: Kavanaugh ‘is a Good Man,’ But ‘He’s Not the Right Man for the Court at This Time’

“None of this has been fair.”

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AL) voted no to invoke cloture this morning to limit the debate on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh. She released this statement:

It also turns out she didn’t make up her mind on the cloture vote until last minute:


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So . . . a “good man” isn’t good enough; apparently at this time what the Court needs is a bad man.

She knows she’s out the next time she’s up for re-election (what happened the last time isn’t going to happen again, not after all this), so she’s milking it like Flake.

Time to go, Senator.

“I believe that Brett Kavanaugh is a good man. I believe he is a good man. It just may be that in my view he’s not the right man for the court at this time.”

Translation: I think voters are stupid and I have no character or integrity. I endorse the Democrat unethical behavior.

She could draw flies even in an Alaskan winter.

The Alaskan voters need to get a much better and stronger US Senator