Harvard Socialists Demand School Sever Ties With Brett Kavanaugh

The fact that Harvard has a socialist group just proves they’ve lowered their admissions standards.The College Fix reports:

Harvard socialists rally against Brett Kavanaugh: ‘Hell Nah’Socialists at Harvard University recently held a protest against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh over sexual assault allegations leveled against him, demanding that the university sever ties with the judge who has taught at the law school there for a decade, according to a report in The Harvard Crimson.As of press time those allegations remain uncorroborated by any eyewitnesses; the only alleged eyewitnesses to the alleged crime have all denied having any knowledge of it or the circumstances surrounding it.In spite of the unproven nature of the alleged crime, during their protest Harvard International Socialists seemed at times reluctant to admit that there is no compelling evidence to convict the judge. The Crimson reports:

As the evening went on, the gathering attracted attention from tourists and students milling around the yard. Midway through the event, a pair of Harvard freshmen passing by — Neil K. Khurana ’22 and Oluwatobi I. Ariyo ’22 — strode up the steps to University Hall and asked for moderation and a fair hearing for Kavanaugh and his accusers.“We have to make sure that due process is still upheld and innocent until proven guilty is still a thing that we hold true,” Ariyo said. “I mean, I don’t know if the accusations are true or not true, but —”A member of the International Socialists cut Ariyo and Khurana off and thanked them for speaking. Several members of the crowd shouted “Go away!”

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, College Insurrection, Harvard