Harvard Discrimination Trial Exposes Some Secrets of Admissions

Do you want to go to Harvard or know someone who does? The discrimination trial is showing some of the easiest ways to get in.

CNN reports:

The Harvard admission trial puts the school’s dirty secrets on displayAs a trial over alleged discrimination against Asian-Americans in Harvard admissions finishes its first week, one thing has become clear: there are ways to win a place at the Ivy League campus that fields a surplus of applicants with perfect grades and test scores.Family wealth and connections to the school; athletic superiority; and an African-American or Latino background all significantly enhance an applicant’s chances. In some instances, students whose families pledged over millions of dollars to fund a building or endow professorships got an advantage, emails show.But then coming from a household with an income of less than $60,000 or having a migrant parent can also provide a boost. And while gender does not make a difference, knowing Latin and Greek and showing an interest in the humanities might catch an admission officer’s eye.Those various factors may be self-evident, but testimony in the Boston courtroom of US District Judge Allison Burroughs this week has offered a rare and detailed view into the secretive screening process at a university that receives 40,000 applications annually and finishes with a freshman class of 1,660 students.

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard