Democrats’ campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court is an attempt to intimidate the Justices

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming.

Throughout the full frontal assault on Brett Kavanaugh, we warned that the goal of liberals was to delegitimize Kavanaugh and the Supreme Court:

This was not about getting to the truth.It’s part of a pattern of unhinged Democrat Senators and their alt-left supporters trying to delegitimize Kavanaugh and a coming conservative Supreme Court.

We have seen this movie before.

The Electoral College did not help Democrats in 2016, even though in the past it often has helped Democrats because they normally have a lock on large electoral states. So Democrats then declared the Electoral College illegitimate, attempted to intimidate the Electors into altering their votes, and now continue the campaign against the Electoral College.

As predicted, Democrats are launching a campaign to delegitimize the Supreme Court. The NY Times reports, Liberals Eye Far-Reaching Goal: Delegitimizing Supreme Court’s Conservative Majority:

“This confirmation vote will not necessarily be the last word on Brett Kavanaugh serving a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court,” said Brian Fallon, executive director of the liberal group Demand Justice and the top spokesman for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Facing a Supreme Court controlled by five solidly conservative justices, liberals have already started to attack the legitimacy of the majority bloc and discussed ways to eventually undo its power without waiting for one of its members to retire or die.

Some have gone as far as proposing — if Democrats were to retake control of Congress and the White House in 2020 or after — expanding the number of justices on the court to pack it with liberals or trying to impeach, remove and replace Justice Kavanaugh….

“The legitimacy of the Supreme Court can justifiably be questioned,” former Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. wrote on Twitter. “The court must now prove — through its work — that it is worthy of the nation’s trust.”

Part of this is a true attempt to strip the conservative majority of power through court packing, but that’s something of a pipe dream.

More likely, this is an attempt to intimidate the conservative justices into hesitating on decisions.

Chief Justice John Roberts is a weak link. There was a campaign to pressure him from Obama on down leading up to the first Obamacare decision. The media narrative was that the Court would lose its legitimacy if it threw out Obamacare. It seems to have worked, with Roberts casting the deciding vote to uphold Obamacare under Congress’ taxing authority. There were many reports that Roberts had changed his vote under this pressure, though there’s no way to verify that given Supreme Court secrecy.

So what we have here is an attempt to work the Refs going forward. Unfortunately, it might work. Roberts likely will assume the role of swing justice. Roberts likely will lobby against the Court taking hot button cases that could reverse precedent that is dear to liberals, particularly abortion.

What Democrats can’t control, they delegitimize and intimidate.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, US Supreme Court