Christine Blasey Ford Quotes from Kavanaugh Hearing Spray-Painted on Yale Campus
“from Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Yale alum Brett Kavanaugh”
Campus leftists at Yale behaved miserably throughout the Kavanaugh process and they’re still not over it.
FOX News reports:
Blasey Ford’s quotes from Kavanaugh testimony spray-painted across Yale campus
Students and local residents around Yale University woke up Monday morning to find quotes from Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony against U.S. Supreme Court Justice and Yale alum Brett Kavanaugh spray-painted across campus.
“Indelible in the hippocampus is the laughter…” was written on the concrete floor in the entrance to the Yale Law School building, which was taken from one portion of Blasey Ford’s statement about Kavanaugh and a friend laughing at her during an alleged attempted sex assault. Kavanaugh denied the allegation.
Former reporter and current Yale Law student, Laurel Raymond, posted a photo of the quote Monday morning.
There were more that I saw too! I wanna know who did it!!!
— .don’t cry pablo // out now (@pabloescobarnes) October 22, 2018
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As a psychologist she should know that the hippocampus is more a highway than a parking lot. Unless it is her way of telling us that she is brain damaged.
Yale’s gone ghetto, and is proud of it.
Have you ever in your life heard anyone remember a traumatic event by saying, “It’s indelible in my hippocampus”?
Yeah, me neither.
Lies, all lies.