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Amherst American Studies Prof Offers Lecture on ‘Honorary Whites’

Amherst American Studies Prof Offers Lecture on ‘Honorary Whites’

“light-skinned Latinos, Americans of Asian descent, and Middle-Eastern Americans”

The lecture was given at City University of New York. It seems like a slightly divisive topic, doesn’t it?

Campus Reform reports:

Prof lectures about ‘honorary whites’

The City University of New York Graduate Center hosted a lecture on Friday analyzing minority individuals that scholars consider to be “honorary whites.”

Titled “The Place of Honorary Whites: Asian Americans and New Conceptions of Race,” the lecture was given by Amherst American Studies professor Pawan H. Dhingra and examined “race beyond the black-white binary.” More specifically, Dhingra will focus on people he considers to be “honorary whites.”

Dhingra’s presentation was based on a belief previously articulated by Duke University Sociology Professor Eduardo Bonilla Silva, who said that there exist three racial categories: whites, “honorary whites,” and “collective blacks.”

“Honorary whites” include light-skinned Latinos, Americans of Asian descent, and Middle-Eastern Americans. These individuals are considered “honorary whites” because they “approximate or even surpass whites in terms of many measures,” according to the event description.

During his lecture, Dhingra addressed the “meaning and relevance” of race for this category of individuals, how “honorary whites” perceive “racial structure,” and whether they assimilate or suffer from racial discrimination.


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This crap is just like Hitler’s racial classifications.

These individuals are considered “honorary whites” because they “approximate or even surpass whites in terms of many measures”

Oh my. So “race” is not determined by genetics or skin melanin content, but by who “surpasses” whom. In other words, peoples who can “surpass” others and manage to deal with the world are defined as “white”, and those who can’t measure up but are doomed to being mere useless shufflebutts are defined as “black”.

Somehow I don’t think that’s what he meant to argue.

Fortunately, it’s all twaddle.

Sounds like a great lecture from an honorary intellectual.

This sounds more like Apartheid South Africa than Nazi Germany, with its classifications of “black African,” “Colored” and “white” (and each classification with a different level of privilege).

Although (as always) the use of passive voice creates ambiguities, as in “These individuals are considered “honorary whites”: Who exactly is it who considers “these individuals” to be “honorary whites”?

Albigensian – honorary intellectuals. tom_swift – you nailed it. These lectures are designed to make everyone, not defined by them, feel good. The lecturer feels intelligent pontificating to eager ears of those who want to know why they are not living Donald Trump’s lifestyle.