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American University Student Govt. Offers ‘Safe Space’ During Speech About Due Process

American University Student Govt. Offers ‘Safe Space’ During Speech About Due Process


Amber Athey is a writer for the Daily Caller. This Tuesday, she is going to give a talk at American University about the importance of due process on campus.

In response, the student government has released a statement saying that they will offer their office as a ‘safe space’ during her speech. Students now need a safe space from a speech which details their right to the presumption of innocence under law? This is insanity.


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If I ran that school I’d use the promise of a “safe space” as bait and then force anyone who showed up to attend a remedial civics class. If they refused to attend or if they failed to get at least a B grade I’d kick them out of school. These people need to go home to mommy’s basement and stay there. They also need to have their voting privileges revoked.

No, it’s not “valid” to be hysterical and outraged over the concept of due process.

Every single one of them imagines that they will never be falsely accused of anything.