Yale Law Profs Cancel Classes so Students Can Protest Kavanaugh
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Yale Law Profs Cancel Classes so Students Can Protest Kavanaugh

Yale Law Profs Cancel Classes so Students Can Protest Kavanaugh

“Dozens of students, wearing black, staged a sit-in at the law school Monday”

Wouldn’t it make more sense to use the topic as a springboard for a legal discussion in class?

FOX News reports:

Yale Law School professors cancel class as students protest Kavanaugh nomination

Several Yale Law School professors cancelled classes Monday to accommodate students who wanted to protest President Trump’s Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, a Yale alum who was twice accused of decades-old misconduct on the eve of his confirmation vote.

Kavanaugh has denied the sexual misconduct allegations as “smears, pure and simple.”

Dozens of students, wearing black, staged a sit-in at the law school Monday, while others traveled to Washington, D.C. to protest the nomination on Capitol Hill, lining the halls of the Senate and demonstrating in front of several different offices.

As many as 20 Yale Law School faculty members canceled or rescheduled up to 31 classes for students to “protest both the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh, this school’s implicit endorsement of him, and our administration’s complicity in widespread sexual harassment in the legal profession,” according to emails obtained by Campus Reform, a campus watchdog group.

Students held signs reading “YLS is a Model of Complicity” and “Is there nothing more important to YLS than its proximity to power and prestige?”

YLS Dean Heather K. Gerken called it a “long-standing Yale Law School tradition” as the allegations are “rightly causing deep concern at Yale Law School and across the country” in a statement Monday.


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When I attended university in the 1960’s, I had great respect for Yale and anyone associated with it.

After years of watching Yale deteriorate, I’ve almost zero respect for it, its faculty, its students, and its recent alumni. What a waste and such a shame.

I guess Kavanaugh is no longer welcome at any YLS reunions.

Any law students or faculty who participate in such a demonstration should be forever barred from becoming a judge, because they have shown themselves unwilling to accept the presumption of innocence until proven guilty.

This is one of the fundamental rights of our legal system. I hope someone will tape the demonstration and keep the tape to use in any confirmation hearings when one of these people is nominated to be a judge.

Seems they would have been better served listening to a lecture on due process.
Heck- do a mock trial and see how that would’ve played out. No evidence. No witnesses.

2nd Ammendment Mother | September 26, 2018 at 11:15 am

If I were a student in a cancelled class I would demand a partial refund of my tuition and fees.

The Friendly Grizzly | September 26, 2018 at 11:24 am

I’m old enough to remember when outfits like Yale were viewed as being serious institutions.

The Dean of the Law School spoke in favor of the demonstrations, which is an indirect endorsement of baseless accusations, as long as they’re against Republicans. So, how much does Yale charge for this “education”?