The Littlest Member of the LI Family Turns 2

It’s been two years since our littlest love, the first LI baby, joined us in this big, bad, beautiful world.

She’s the happiest, most content child — a true joy. Seldom cross, usually happy, playful, helpful, and kind, she (and our oldest) are the best reminders of why what we do here is important, and also that life outside of the awful political bubble is the best, most important work we will ever do.

Pictured here with her new baby stroller, which is apparently, the best thing ever:

I love celebrations of life — they have a way of redirecting us and renewing our appreciation for love and kinship. I’m incredibly grateful for the blessings of motherhood and family, and for our littlest sunshine.

Regular readers are familiar with my firm belief that our best hope for change is not in politics, but in our lives and relationships. This from a blog post I wrote shortly after Klara was born is even truer today:

But as the dog and I snuggle in the quiet, I’m more aware now than ever that some of the most important work I’ll ever do has been done in 2016 — laying the foundation for what’s already a wonderful marriage with the best man I’ve ever known, bringing a miraculous little life into this world, and becoming a parent to an amazing little girl with whom I’m completely in love. So many life-changing beginnings.This musing is more than thankful introspection by Christmas tree glow, it’s a much deeper revelation that our purpose in life is deeply rooted in those around us. Sure, elections are important, but hearts and minds aren’t swayed by elections or the Electoral College, by social media campaigns or witty comebacks. Not even legislation can sway the leanings of the heart; change is a byproduct of our relationships.

I can’t rightly mention family without appreciation for the many wonderful people who love our girls much and well. Or without bragging about our oldest (my bonus baby), who is the kindest, most tender-hearted girl. A natural helper with a giving spirit. She’s an amazing sister to Klara. I’m blessed and thankful to be part of her life and that she’s part of mine.

My husband is the best. A great Dad and partner, we met almost exactly four years ago today. Jeff is without question, one of the absolute best things to have happened to me.

Politics is a dirty business and the pursuit of truth and rightness are essential — they directly impact the kind of world we will be leaving to our daughters. But when I’m not worrying about that nastiness, I couldn’t be more grateful and thankful that I get to do life with this crew.

Tags: Blogging