We have a date! Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings Begin September 4
“Judge Kavanaugh returned the most comprehensive, bipartisan Senate questionnaire in Judiciary Committee history.”

Sen. Chuck Grassley, Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee announced Friday that confirmation hearings for Judge Kavanaugh, Trump’s second pick for the Supreme Court, will begin September 4.
From The Hill:
The Senate Judiciary Committee announced on Friday that it will hold its confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh early next month.
Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), the committee’s chairman, announced the hearing for President Trump’s nominee to replace former Justice Anthony Kennedy will start on Sept. 4 and last three to four days.
“He’s a mainstream judge. He has a record of judicial independence and applying the law as it is written. … It’s time for the American people to hear directly from Judge Kavanaugh at his public hearing,” Grassley said in a statement.
Republicans want Kavanaugh on the bench as early as the first of October, before the court starts its next term. They’ve warned that they won’t delay a final vote until after the midterm elections in November.
Senate Democrats have accused Republicans of rushing the nomination process and are trying to delay confirmation until some 900,000 pages of documents from W’s tenure as President are made public. The National Archives refused to turn over the documents without a request from the committee chairman, Sen. Grassley.
According to the Judicial Crisis Network, Kavanaugh’s confirmation is standard procedure and he’s been vetted thoroughly.
Judge Kavanaugh has been on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals for 12 years. He has issued 307 opinions and joined hundreds more. He has a comprehensive record of jurisprudence that has been in the public domain for years.
The Judiciary Committee has reviewed hundreds of thousands of documents—more than were submitted for both Justice Gorsuch and Justice Kagan.
Documents submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee pertaining to Judge Kavanaugh’s time serving in the White House Counsel’s and Independent Counsel’s offices are the largest number of executive branch records ever submitted to the Committee for a Supreme Court nominee.
Judge Kavanaugh returned the most comprehensive, bipartisan Senate questionnaire in Judiciary Committee history.
Senator Grassley has allotted more time between the nomination of Judge Kavanaugh and the start date of hearings than the timeline established by former Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Patrick Leahy for Justices Sotomayor and Kagan. Senator Leahy scheduled hearings 49 days after the nomination of Justice Kagan, and 48 days after the nomination of Justice Sotomayor. Judge Kavanaugh’s hearings will start 57 days after his nomination. Hearings for Justice Gorsuch were held 48 days after his nomination announcement.
The Kavanaugh nomination has been the most transparent nomination process in history. During the presidential campaign, President Trump publicized a list of extraordinarily qualified individuals he said he would choose from to fill Supreme Court vacancies. Judge Kavanaugh has been on that list since November of 2017.

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Schumer will break out in tears.
So stone faced Chuck Grassley is sticking it to Chuckles Schumer–the crying clown.
I had occasion today to look at the length of time between nomination and confirmation for Federal District Court Judges back in the mid 60s–mid 70’s period. A lot of them were nominated on say the 5th or 6th of a month–and confirmed before the month was over.
Teddy Kennedy and Joe Biden and “borking” put paid to that in the late 80s. As ye sow, so shall ye reap. And the Dems are going to be crying for personal lubrication here.
Forget the lube, throw some sand on it
HOW IN THE WORLD can we even think about voting on this guy without seeing his artwork from kindergarden? Did he color black and brown and yellow faces? Or were they all WHITE? As the stem grows, so grows the tree.
As a “husky” child, I always felt shamed by drawings with stick figures. They’re just a tool of the thin-arch.
When originalists dream,
Kavanaugh will be confirmed, making it a Firm Five. Ruth Buzzy, who delusionally thinks she’s in charge of the length of her life span, may suffer a snip of the Abhorred Shears of Atropos, with DJT naming her replacement (yes, the Senate will remain GOP). Breyer, longing to spend his final days eating Breyers® Ice Cream with his grandkids and realizing that he will now be facing a Solid Six, responds to the loss of the Buzz, by crying, “What’s the use; I can no longer effectively legislate on behalf of the Democrat Party from the bench,” and resigns. The Don goes into action, and the Solid Six becomes the Solid Seven.
Then, in late-2022 or mid-2023, Thomas & Alito, each of whom will by then be in his mid-70s, come to DJT (yes, there will be a second term), announce their plans to retire, thereby giving the Don time to line up their respective replacements. Thomas & Alito condition their retirements on the Don’s promise to replace them with people in the mold of Scalia, with each nominee to be in his/her mid-40s. In time Roberts does the same, though he’ll be coming to President Mike Pence. The Solid Seven remains solid for decades.
From your lips to God’s ears.
President Not-Hillary isn’t doing too bad.
Please, not Pence. He folded when things got hot on religious liberty. Inadequate spine.
Thats thrown the spanner right in to the works eh! A lot of Democrats will be nervous about taking the party line and voting against Kavanaugh as they will have an eye on protecting their own empires.
Meanwhile it will be interesting to see what the Republicans spelt with a D do. Will McCain come in to the office or call it in as just being Present? Will this be his last act of spite against the man who stole his Presidency? I wouldn’t be surprised if it was his last parting gift as he walked through that door down to you know where.