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New Study Finds Law Schools Are Biased Against Conservatives

New Study Finds Law Schools Are Biased Against Conservatives

“Groupthink among a law school’s professors could be magnified with law students who share the same world view”

A lack of ideological balance in any area of study is bad for the country as a whole.

The College Fix reports:

Law schools are biased against conservatives: Study

A new study suggests that law schools engage in hiring discrimination against conservative and libertarian academics, with those individuals suffering from a “rank gap” that on average places them at lower-ranked law schools.

The study, written by attorney James C. Phillips, notes that the lack of ideological diversity in law schools has created an “intellectual blind spot” that can lead to “errors in judgment” on the park of more liberal law professors.

“The one-sidedness of the legal academy may also cause it, or the scholarship it produces, to have less credibility than if it were more politically homogenous,” Phillips, a Ph.D candidate in Jurisprudence and Social Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, writes.

“Groupthink among a law school’s professors could be magnified with law students who share the same world view, undermining legal education which requires ‘an attitude or ambience that affirmatively encourages a full and free exchange of ideas’,” Phillips adds, noting: “While perhaps graduates in some academic disciplines are less harmed if they have not learned to candidly and accurately access the weaknesses in their own views and the strengths in opposing views, for law school graduates, the lack of such a skill is professional suicide.”


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I’m shocked, I tell you. Utterly shocked.

First, Islamist parents in Germany are raising problematic, radical children, now this. These posts should come with a trigger warning.

I noticed this in my first week of law school, more than 35 years ago.

I think I had one, maaaaybe two conservative law professors.

Why would a law school hire a professor who believed breaking laws equal committing crimes? The whole point of law school in 2018 is to learn how to get around laws to get criminals back onto the streets as quickly as possible.