Media beclowns itself pouncing on ICE arrest with emotion, not facts

Yesterday, ICE arrested an illegal alien who was in the process of driving his pregnant wife to the hospital; ICE later stated that the man was picked up on an outstanding warrant for murder in his native Mexico.

The media ran with the story, focusing on the “outrage” of arresting him while his wife was left to drive herself to the hospital.

Daniel Dale, an intrepid journalist for the Toronto Star, appears to have broken the story of the reason behind the arrest and is facing pushback for his efforts to tell the whole story.

And boy did they run with it.

Oh, and she wasn’t in labor, though you might think so from these headlines; they were driving to hospital for a planned C-section.

And of course the flurry of headlines and news reports focused on only one aspect, the one that makes ICE look bad to those unwilling to wait for details, prompted the left to meltdown across social media.

As the full picture began to emerge, it is the media who looks ridiculous, not ICE, who as it turns out were doing their job and getting a man wanted for murder, here illegally, off our streets.

When it fits the narrative of the day, in this case #AbolishICE, the media chooses to run without all the facts. All the better to stoke outrage and division and to feed the anti-Trump, anti-law and order #Resistance base.

Tags: ICE, Immigration, Media Bias