Heather Mac Donald: “There’s a multi-million dollar diversity bureaucracy on most college campuses today”

Manhattan Institute scholar Heather Mac Donald appeared on the Tucker Carlson show last night to address the culture on college campuses which influences people like Sarah Jeong, the controversial new hire at the New York Times.

Tucker opens the segment by remarking on Jeong’s history of racist tweets and suggests that she and others like her are a product of America’s education system. He asks Mac Donald how this is happening.

She responds by pointing out that “There’s a multi-million dollar diversity bureaucracy on most college campuses today that is dedicated to the very propositions that Sarah Jeong embodies.”

She suggests that despite having the privilege of attending college, American students are bombarded with messages that tell them they are victims of racism and sexism on the college campus itself.

Watch the entire segment below:

Mac Donald addressed this issue more extensively in a recent column for National Review:

Sarah Jeong Is a Boring, Typical Product of the American AcademyThe most significant feature of Sarah Jeong, the New York Times’ embattled new editorial board member, is not that she is a “racist,” as her critics put it. It is that she is an entirely typical product of the contemporary academy…The key features of Jeong’s worldview are an obsession with whiteness and its alleged sins; a commitment to the claim that we live in a rape culture; and a sneering contempt for objectivity and truth-seeking. These are central tenets of academic victimology. From the moment freshmen arrive on a college campus, they are inundated by the message that they are either the bearers of white privilege or its victims. College presidents and the metastasizing diversity bureaucracy teach students to see racism where none exists, preposterously accusing their own institutions of systemic bias. “Bias response teams,” confidential “discrimination hotlines,” and implicit-bias training for faculty and staff roll forth from university coffers in wild abandon.UC Berkeley’s Division of Equity and Inclusion until recently hung banners throughout campus reminding students of their place in the ruthlessly competitive hierarchy of victimhood. One particularly lachrymose entry, featuring a female black and a Hispanic male student, urged the presumably “non-diverse” sector of Berkeley to “create an environment where people other than yourself can exist.” This year’s White Privilege Conference, a nationwide academic gathering, featured panels on “Breaking the Chains of Capitalism and White Supremacy,” the “Whiteness of Law,” and “How Whiteness Kills.”

Too many colleges and universities have become little more than indoctrination centers for the far left. Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to subsidize them.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, Media, Social Justice