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Diversity Survey Finds Student Government at American U. Not Diverse Enough

Diversity Survey Finds Student Government at American U. Not Diverse Enough

“The director of diversity, equity and inclusion conducted the first digital survey”

The diversity of the student government seems to be more important than what they actually do. The survey found that the group was diverse, but it’s just not enough.

The College Fix reports:

First ‘diversity survey’ pushes student government to increase inclusivity effort

Diversity numbers that were higher than the student body’s weren’t enough for American University’s student government.

The student government plans to increase its diversity despite more than half of its members being students of color and mixed race, The Eagle Online reported.

The director of diversity, equity and inclusion conducted the first digital survey to determine the diversity of the student government, and the results were published in May:

The survey revealed that of the 97 members who answered the survey, 51 percent of SG members are people of color or mixed race, compared to the 34 percent of the AU student body who identify as people of color. The survey also found that the majority of SG members are in the School of Public Affairs.

However, when it comes to international students, SG does not reflect the wider demographics of AU. International students make up 11 percent of AU students, but only 2.25 percent of SG.


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The Friendly Grizzly | August 4, 2018 at 10:33 am

I guess things will spread out from combing high schools to recruit the best ball bouncers and ball throwers to those with the proper ethnicity to look pretty for the Student Government photos.