Anti-Trump “Comedian” Michelle Wolf’s Netflix Show Cancelled

Only a few months ago, “comedian” Michelle Wolf gave a cringe-worthy performance at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner.  During that disastrous bit, Wolf crossed several lines of decency, particularly in her personal attacks on White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.  So onerous were her remarks that even leftists commended Sanders for her dignified behavior during Wolf’s onslaught.

That was in April, news broke yesterday that Netflix has cancelled Wolf’s show after only ten episodes.  Apparently, many of those associated with the show found out about it on Twitter.

Watch Wolf at the White House Correspondents’ dinner:

You know it’s bad when the likes of MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski and Andrea Mitchell offer support for Sanders.

That was then.  Netflix did not state this appearance as a factor in their decision to cancel Wolf’s show, but it’s hard not to imagine a connection even if in terms of decreased viewers as a result of that shameful showing in April.

Fox News reports:

Comedian Michelle Wolf’s Netflix show has been canceled just months after it debuted, Fox News confirmed Friday.

In a statement, a representative for the company confirmed “we are not ordering additional episodes of the series.”

. . . . Ahead of the show’s launch, the comedian quipped it would bring “the types of jokes my former bosses would tell me we couldn’t do on TV,” according to The Hollywood Reporter.. . . . Viewership numbers were apparently behind Netflix’s decision to drop both shows, sources told Deadline.

Having not seen the show, I wasn’t aware that Wolf was also attacking Ivanka Trump on her now-cancelled show.  Apparently she was, and in not just relentlessly unfunny but in offensively vulgar ways.

Fox News continues:

During the run of her now-canceled show, Wolf took aim at first daughter Ivanka in another series of crude jokes.“If you see Ivanka on the street, first call her Tiffany. This will devastate her,” Wolf said. “Then talk to her in terms she’ll understand. Say, ‘Ivanka, you’re like vaginal mesh. You were supposed to support women but now you have blood all over you and you’re the center of a thousand lawsuits.’”Later in the broadcast, she threw more jabs at the president’s daughter.“Ivanka, you’re like that birth control pill Yaz. At first, it seemed like you’d be really cool and helpful but you need to be immediately recalled,” Wolf said.

According to the Daily Beast, the show’s writers and showrunners found out about the cancellation on Twitter.

The Daily Beast reports:

Well, that was fast. On Friday, Netflix quietly pulled the plug on The Break with Michelle Wolf, one of the only “late-night” shows on “television” hosted by a female comedian, just three months after it premiered.. . . . “None of us can believe how classlessly Netflix has handled this,” a source connected to the show told The Daily Beast after the news broke, noting that the entire writing staff and even the showrunners found out they had been fired on Twitter.

It’s hard to disagree that, if true, this was indeed a classless way to let people know they were out of a job, but I don’t think many people will be shedding tears at the cancellation of Wolf’s unsuccessful show.

Tags: entertainment, Trump Derangement Syndrome