Ted Cruz Targets Beto O’Rourke’s Stance on Israel

Sen. Ted Cruz’s Senate re-election campaign is running ads swatting at his Democrat opponent, Rep. Beto O’Rourke, for his stance on Israel.

According to Facebook, Cruz’s campaign began running the ads Tuesday.

O’Rourke’s track record on Israel is less than stellar.

In 2015, he refused to attend Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to a Joint Session of Congress. In the same year, he wrote an op-ed defending the Iran Deal.

From the Washington Free Beacon:

O’Rourke in 2015 refused to attend an address to a Joint Session of Congress by Netanyahu and has touted the effectiveness of the nuclear deal over Israel’s objections. O’Rourke said that the negotiations with Iran would prevent the country from obtaining a nuclear weapon.In a 2015 op-ed piece for the El Paso Times, O’Rourke defended the Obama administration’s talks to try to end Iran’s nuclear program.”In the president’s State of the Union address last month, he outlined the case for allowing the unique and unlikely coalition of the United States, China, Russia, France, Great Britain and Germany (known as the P5+1) to pursue a negotiated resolution to the threat Iran poses as it gets closer to developing the capability to produce nuclear weapons,” O’Rourke wrote.Monday at an event in San Antonio, Cruz criticized O’Rourke for protesting Netanyahu and supporting the nuclear deal.”Congressmen O’Rourke was so offended that he boycotted and refused to attend Prime Minister Netanyahu speech,” Cruz said. “There’s a problem. It’s an approach that you saw in the Obama Administration. It’s an approach that Congressman O’Rourke embraces, which is the way to deal with dictators is weakness and appeasement and giving billions of dollars to the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism.”

O’Rourke was one of only eight Congressman who voted against funding for Israel’s Iron Dome Missile Defense system. He explained that he recognizes Hamas as a terrorist organization and supports Israel, but felt the bill was rushed.

According to the Cruz campaign, O’Rourke also opposed “a resolution in the U.S. House that objected to a United Nations measure, UN Security Council Resolution 2334, which undermined the United States’ support for Israel.”

The UN resolution namely contributed to the Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement to facilitate the boycott of Israel’s economy and ignored Israel’s sovereignty of its own borders.

Tags: Beto O'Rourke, Ted Cruz, Texas, TX - Senate 2018