Royal Navy Rescued Manchester Bomber in 2014 From Libyan Civil War

Reports have emerged that the Royal Navy rescued Salmen Abedi, the man who killed 22 people at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester last year, a few years ago from the Libyan civil war.

People on the HMS Enterprise rescued Abedi and his brother Hashem along with 100 British citizens in 2014. From Sky News:

A government spokesman said: “During the deteriorating security situation in Libya in 2014, Border Force officials were deployed to assist with the evacuation of British nationals and their dependants.”It is understood Abedi’s name was on a list of stranded citizens handed to the crew in charge of the evacuation.Until a month before his rescue, Abedi was being monitored by UK security forces. The review into the Manchester attack found that, based on the information available at the time, the decision to close his case was sound.Hashem Abedi is currently held in jail in Libya by a militia group, but the British government has requested his extradition to face trial for his involvement in the Manchester attack.

That case around Abedi “was deemed to be a case of mistaken identity.” MI5 received new intelligence months before the case, “which, ‘had its true significance been properly understood’, would have caused a new probe to be launched.”

The New York Post reported that Abedi traveled to Libya regularly to visit his parents. During the time of the rescue, he “was taking a gap year from Manchester College.” His parents moved back in 2011 as the country rebelled against dictator Muammar Gaddafi. A Wall Street Journal article from 2017 said Abedi returned in 2011 with his family to take part in the rebellion with the Tripoli Brigade militia.

Tags: Britain, Libya, Terrorism