Report: FBI Still Partnering With SPLC; GOP Rep Demands Answers

Several years ago, there was an outcry from the right about the FBI’s partnership with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).  At the time, it seemed that the relationship might have been severed; however, it apparently was not and, to date, has not been.

Representative Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is demanding answers.

The story was broken by Tucker Carlson who alleges that there is an “ongoing” relationship between the FBI and SPLC.

The Daily Caller reports:

The FBI has an “ongoing” relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a left-wing nonprofit that once placed Housing and Urban Development Secretary Dr. Ben Carson on an “extremist watch list.”That’s according to an exclusive report from Fox News host and Daily Caller co-founder Tucker Carlson, who broke the news on his show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” Friday.“Well as you already know if you’ve been paying any attention at all, the Southern Poverty Law Center is a fraudulent enterprise,” said Carlson. “It’s a left-wing political group that uses ‘hate crime’ designations to target its ideological enemies and to crush people.”“The SPLC has repeatedly been allowed to brief the FBI on alleged domestic terrorist threats to this country,” Carlson reported. “Disturbingly though, the relationship is ongoing, if you can believe it.”

Watch the segment:

As of this writing, the FBI lists SPLC as among its Public Outreach partners; I added the yellow highlight.

[click to embiggen]

Florida Congressman Gaetz has written a letter to the FBI demanding answers regarding its reported on-going partnership with SPLC.

Fox News reports:

A Republican lawmaker is demanding some answers from the FBI after he says the bureau admitted to working with the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center.

In a letter obtained by Fox News’ “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., says the FBI has “admitted to working with the SPLC,” in a development he describes as “surprising and worrisome.”

“This is surprising and worrisome, as the SPLC is known to use its platform in order to denigrate and disparage certain groups by labeling them ‘hate groups,’” he said.He said that groups such as the Christian Family Research Council (FRC) have been labeled a hate group, while members of “Antifa” — a broad collaboration of left-leaning, anti-fascist activists — have not been given such a label. He added that Floyd Corkins, who shot an FRC employee, later said he targeted the group as the SPLC had labeled it an antigay group.“The SPLC’s conflation of mainstream political advocacy groups with legitimate hate groups and domestic terror groups is absurd, frequently indiscriminate and dangerous,” he said.

Department of Justice spokeswoman Sarah Isgur Flores told Fox News that the “Attorney General has directed the FBI to reevaluate their relationships with groups like this to ensure the FBI does not partner with any group that discriminates.”

We do not, at this time, know any details about the reported relationship between the FBI and the SPLC.  We will provide updates as more is learned.