New Yorker Column Summarizes the Left: Everything is Broken Because They’re Losing

After Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, the left targeted members of the Electoral College for harassment in an effort to reverse the outcome. When that didn’t work, they began wailing that the EC system was outdated and unfair. That was just the beginning.

Since then, the left has found flaws in nearly every aspect of our system of government every time they lose another battle.

John Cassidy of The New Yorker has written a column which summarizes the left’s position:

Why It’s Right to Be Mad About Kavanaugh and the Supreme CourtDemocrats wasted no time in responding to Donald Trump’s nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to replace Justice Anthony Kennedy on the Supreme Court. On Monday night, while Trump was still speaking in the East Room of the White House, Brian Fallon, Hillary Clinton’s former spokesman, who is now a CNN political commentator, tweeted out links to the Web site and to a political commercial that described Kavanaugh as an “extreme nominee” whose confirmation would represent an imminent threat to Roe v. Wade and the Affordable Care Act. Meanwhile, a group of protesters gathered outside the Supreme Court, wielding “Stop Kavanaugh” posters…If all forty-nine Democrats and independents in the Senate vote against Kavanaugh as a bloc, he could still be confirmed. But even if it’s a hopeless gesture, it is vitally important that Democrats, their supporters, and anybody else who harbors a sense of fairness and history register a strong protest in the coming weeks and months.

“Fairness” is the key word here. The left thinks it’s unfair that they lost, unfair that Trump won, and unfair that the winning team gets to make the key decisions. They still haven’t accepted it:

As Kavanaugh prepares to make his way to the Capitol, and, most probably, to a lifetime appointment in the old courthouse behind it, we are witnessing the dénouement of an outrageous power grab by a radicalized political party, its wealthy backers, and a rogue President.

Democrats are calling for the abolishment of ICE and electing socialists, but the Republicans are a “radicalized” political party. Right. This is one of the most telling passages in the piece:

“Ultimately, however, the conservative takeover hinged on ruthless power politics: the G.O.P. exploiting its unearned advantage in the Electoral College, the U.S. Senate, and the Supreme Court itself.”

Wait, I spoke too soon. It’s this:

If these points sound like the complaints of sore losers, they are.

This column has sparked some great reactions on Twitter which have been collected by Twitchy:

If you think it’s bad now, just wait until one of the liberal justices retires.

Tags: Progressives, US Senate, US Supreme Court