Riots erupted in the French city of Nantes following the death of a 22-year-old man, who was shot after running over a police officer at a vehicle stop. Cars and buildings–including a local court–were set on fire in the city’s Breil district, an area with “largely immigrant populations,” media report say.
The man, 22-year old Aboubakar Fall, shot at the scene was wanted for “organized robbery, concealment and criminal association,” city’s public prosecutor disclosed. Police claim the fugitive “reversed at very high speed” to flee the scene and “almost ran over two children playing behind the car.”
French authorities are gearing up for the rioting to escalate as the violence spills over to the neighboring districts with high concentration of immigrants. “We expect the worst in the coming days,” local police told the Nantes-based Presse-Ocean newspaper.
Many media outlets, including the New York Times, described the rioters as “angry youths” of Nantes who “threw firebombs and burned eight buildings and some 30 cars.”
The French broadcaster EuroNews reported the developments in Nantes:
Angry youths have burnt cars and confronted police in poor neighbourhoods of the French city of Nantes.The violence came after police shot dead a young man who had been stopped in his car for a traffic violation.Police reports say he refused to cooperate with them and then hit one of their officers, lightly injuring him, as he tried to drive off. It was then that he was shot.The local law courts in Dervalliers neighbourhood were also set on fire. Police now say they expect more unrest.Tensions in poor migrant neighbourhoods have frequently escalated into clashes with the police. In 2005 dozens of cars were torched in similiar unrest in Paris in its outer suburbs where most migrants live.
The organized violence in Nantes “resembles” the French riots of 2005, commented the Germany’s state-run broadcaster Deutsche Welle. On October 23, 2005, riots erupted in Paris following the death of two suspects fleeing a scene of burglary—for no apparent fault of the police (other than perhaps pursuing the criminals). By mid-November, riots had hit 300 French towns and cities, leaving more than 8,000 vehicles burnt next to damaged public and private property.
The horrors unfolding on the French streets again highlight Europe’s utter failure to integrate its migrant population. Despite this dismal track-record, the continent’s ruling liberal class clings to the pipe-dream of multiculturalism, doubling down on their policy of open doors for illegal immigrants. In the U.S., many in the Democratic Party, too, have signed off on a similar agenda.
For the left, uncontrolled immigration into Europe will accelerate the downfall of the West—a necessary condition for the Socialist utopia to triumph.
As the prominent European Marxist writer Slavoj Žižek admits in a recent book, many on the Left hope that “an influx of a really large number of refugees could revitalize the European radical Left.” Opening Europe to millions of migrants is their idea of filling the “gap created by the absence of proletarians by importing them from abroad,” he adds.
While the Left hopes to outsource its “revolutionary” violence to illegal immigrants, the strategy involving letting in million of fighting-age men from Arab and Muslim countries is already backfiring big time. Marinating in Islamism in their native countries and European suburbs, these “angry youths”—as mainstream media likes to call them—bring their own ideas for the future of Europe and none of them involve holding hands with the liberals and singing Kumbaya.
[Cover image via YouTube]