Man Who Threatened to Chop Up Sen. Rand Paul and His Family With an Ax Arrested
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Man Who Threatened to Chop Up Sen. Rand Paul and His Family With an Ax Arrested

Man Who Threatened to Chop Up Sen. Rand Paul and His Family With an Ax Arrested

“It’s just horrendous that we’re having to deal with things like this.”

Monday, Senator Rand Paul told reporters Capitol Hill Police had issued an arrest warrant for the man who threatened to chop up the Senator and his family with an ax. According to several news reports, the man responsible for the threats has been arrested.

“It’s just horrendous that we’re having to deal with things like this,” Sen. Paul told reporters. “That on top of being attacked personally, and having a very serious life-threatening attack on my person, then being shot at,” said Paul referring to the Congressional baseball game last year that almost claimed the life of Rep. Steve Scalise. “It’s been a year where we’re becoming more and more aware of these threats.”

Last year, Sen. Paul was attacked and beaten by neighbor Rene Boucher. The attack left Paul with several broken ribs. Boucher is a registered Democrat. He claims the attack was not politically motivated but that he lost his temper over yard clippings placed near his property by Paul.

Boucher pled guilty and was sentenced to thirty days. Prosecutors are appealing the sentence. They had requested a sentence of 21 months. Boucher has also filed a civil suit against Paul, requesting “all compensatory and punitive damages permitted by law.”


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Subotai Bahadur | July 2, 2018 at 4:22 pm

I think that we have pushed past the point of no return. One of these Leftists will eventually get his attack in. And with no countering punishment, all bets will be off.

They are making the new rules. They are not going to like them when they figure out that they will be subject to them.

Scalise, Mast in Florida, Paul – twice, the restaurant attacks on Nielsen, Miller, Sanders, the civil evil of the fascists antifa, on top of the assault by moron Maxine, liberals have gone insane and wholly embraced evil. It’s past time to institutionalize them all for the physical safety of humans.

Scalise, Mast in Florida, Paul – twice, the restaurant attacks on Nielsen, Miller, Sanders, the civil evil of the fascists antifa, on top of the assault by moron Maxine, liberals have gone insane and wholly embraced evil. It’s past time to institutionalize them all for the physical safety of humans.

Paul In Sweden | July 2, 2018 at 4:54 pm

“Boucher has also filed a civil suit against Paul, requesting “all compensatory and punitive damages permitted by law.”

What am I missing here? What compensatory and punitive damages could possibly be permitted by law to the convicted criminal attacker Boucher?

    oldgoat36 in reply to Paul In Sweden. | July 2, 2018 at 5:15 pm

    The law in this country doesn’t make much sense anymore. I figure his lawyer is doing this comp, and is banking on the publicity to push his practice, but it will still cost Paul even if he wins.

    clintack in reply to Paul In Sweden. | July 2, 2018 at 5:50 pm

    Paul is suing him for damages from the attack. The cretin is countersuing based on the unsightly piling of sticks and leaves during Paul’s yardwork — the unsightly mess that is supposed to have set him off on his violent attack.

      oldgoat36 in reply to clintack. | July 2, 2018 at 6:13 pm

      When I heard that was his excuse I called BS. You might have a shouting match over leaves and twigs and berries, but unless you are unhinged, and belong locked up in a mental institution, you aren’t going to beat the crap out of someone for it.

      Boucher is just a Democrat listening to Waters’ commandments to take the high ground (I know that was Michelle claiming that), so he beat DOWN on Paul. Get it? Great defense huh?

      buckeyeminuteman in reply to clintack. | July 3, 2018 at 2:22 pm

      It would be even harder to pick up an unsightly pile of sticks and leaves with a bunch of broken ribs. What a pile of dung that guy is.

Capital Police will release the name once Facebook scrubs his account. They’re always first to know.

Kevin Smith | July 2, 2018 at 5:27 pm

The demented democrat thug Boucher will spend less time in jail than the amount of severe pain and suffering that Rand Paul had to endure.

Why is Paul the kook target? His political and social rhetoric is pretty mild – not like he’s a firebrand. He’s voted against foreign military adventures and spending bills. He’s pretty neutral on Trump.

Is Rand a hot topic on left wing message boards? I just don’t get it.

There is nothing to see here. Why are people even bothering to prosecute this guy? We have been told on more than one occasion right here on this blog that this is protected speech.

Has anyone ever chopped up anyone else based on this man’s protected speech? Does he even own an axe? No incitement, no real threat.
*adjusts bowtie*

    Milhouse in reply to forksdad. | July 3, 2018 at 3:06 am

    If this was a real threat, i.e. one that a reasonable person, knowing the exact words spoken and their context, would take seriously, then it is a crime. If not, then it is protected speech.

    I have searched for any description of what this person actually said, and have not found one; all we have is Paul’s own characterization. Therefore it’s impossible to say whether the arrest is to be applauded or condemned.

    Ignorant comment.

    Try threatening to chop up obama witb an axe. See what happens.

    Try threatening to chop up mooooochelle obama with axe (if you can find one large enough, outside of a meatpacking plant.)

      Milhouse in reply to | July 3, 2018 at 7:07 am

      You are the ignorant one. Try announcing at a rally that if you are drafted and given a weapon, the first person you want in your sights is the president. That is not a real threat, i.e. a reasonable person would not understand it as meant seriously. Therefore it is absolutely protected speech, and if any secret service person gives you grief over it you can sue him personally and take his house and pension — no qualified immunity. That is the law, not an opinion, and you are not entitled to disagree with it.

      On the other hand if it is said in a manner and context that a reasonable person would understand as a serious expression of your intentions then it is not protected, and is a crime.

They will not be subject to the same rules.

Make a threat against some progressive politician, media person, professor etc and a SWAT team will be at your home within hours.

And the court will set no bail; you are in jail immediately.

And then they will harass your family.

Two sets of rules.