Protesters Throw Feces at L.A. Kosher Cafe Because Owner Supports Trump
“It was very scary,” said Shalom’s daughter Yael.”

Asher Shalom is a legal immigrant from Israel and businessman who employs many immigrants. He recently opened a new cafe in the Boyle Heights area of Los Angeles. Locals and the business community were welcoming until it became known that Shalom had shared something on social media which showed support for Trump’s immigration policies.
Jewish immigrant of 30 years and successful businessman kicked out of Boyle Heights Chamber of Commerce because he supports Trump policies on immigration
— Dave Lopez (@cbsladavelopez) July 18, 2018
CBS News Los Angeles reports:
‘I Love Peace,’ Says Boyle Heights Cafe Owner Of Protest Over Support Of Trump Immigration Policies
Residents of a rapidly gentrifying enclave of Los Angeles tried to shut down the grand opening of a new coffee shop, saying the owner’s support of President Donald Trump’s stance on immigrants is reason alone to want him out of the neighborhood.
On Thursday, protesters held signs and screamed at patrons in front of Asher Caffe & Lounge located at 945 S. Boyle Ave. in Boyle Heights, a traditionally Jewish neighborhood that is now predominately Latino. They say they oppose the cafe and the owner over his support of Trump’s immigration policies.
“So what’s the connection? This is what I don’t understand. I’m confused — the connection between Donald Trump and good coffee,” Israeli-born businessman Asher Shalom told CBS2 News.
The kosher cafe was set to have a grand opening on July 12, the day anti-gentrification activists were met by Los Angeles Police officers blocking the entrance.
According to Eater LA, about 30 protesters associated with the group Defend Boyle Heights (DBH) showed up to speak up against Shalom, who they called “an anti-immigrant trump loving gentryfier” in a Facebook post.
This is what set off the rage of the left:
The Boyle Heights Chamber of Commerce, which had invited Shalom to join and was slated to attend the grand opening, terminated his membership days before the confrontation. In a letter from chamber president Jennifer Lahoda, she mentions a photo shared by Shalom on his Facebook page reading, “I wish Democrats would fight as hard for Americans, as they do for illegals.”
The protest got very nasty:
“They really intensely protested and accosted all the visitors that came to our grand opening event,” said son David.
“It was very scary,” said Shalom’s daughter Yael. “There was a lot of people protesting outside wearing masks […] and they threw a significant amount of feces at our windows.”
Here’s the CBS Los Angeles video report:
Featured image via YouTube.

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For most of these Trump hating, Jew baiting commies, it was a twofer.
So how do these feculent Democrat Party purveyors of morbid hatred and intolerance differ from the KKK?
The don’t
They don’t.
And the hoods have now been replaced with masks.
How about an intensive ICE presence in this neighborhood? Completely cleanse it of illegals.
Proving that they’re cowards, since they refuse to be identifiably associated with their hateful rhetoric.
They are different because they are accepted by many in one political party. Free speech and all.
The KKK were celebrated members of the same party, and were established to be anti-Republican and to attack blacks who supported Republicans in huge numbers. It wasn’t only blacks that were their target, that is one thing that seems to be forgotten due to the rewriting of history and common knowledge.
The Democratic Party hasn’t really changed a bit, they just were able to hide it better for years, and worked to infiltrate education and the media to spread propaganda, including the lie about the KKK democrats joining the Republican party after the Civil Rights Act signing.
Of course they did. But I like to try to live in the 21st century. Nearly everyone is repulsed by the KKK now. But the Dems at a minimum tolerate the current fascist and violent activities – even deceptively calling them “grassroots anger.”
How far back should we go? Which parties had slave owners centuries ago, for example?
At least it is very clear to him how unwelcome he is. Time to move. Let LA and CA devolve into a caste of utra-rich tech moguls and entertainment folks versus the entitlement program masses.
He just opened the business.
He likely spent a lot of money in doing so. If he can afford to walk away from all that money, good for him, but for most people it would be tough.
Understood. But it seems that the neighborhood is going through what is perhaps a taxpayer funded transition. Maybe a fully commercial establishment would be easier to sell in those circumstances. Of course, to satisfy the mob a new owner might need to change from kosher to halal. But it won’t affect equipment or the building, just signage….
It must be time to go to L.A. and buy some kosher food. We need to support this business.
Looking at the poster I couldn’t help but think “Shouldn’t that be spelled ‘Gentrifier’?”
Just saying.
Is it possible these people are just stupid and can only express themselves through misspelled signs, the throwing of feces and the odd grunt?
Yes, it should.
Other corrections: “anti-immigrant, Trump-loving” (added comma and hyphen)
Yes to all the above.
“Unhinged” will no longer suffice. @dystopia, maybe we all should go with “feculent,” at least for now.
Feces? So these really are chimpanzees out there protesting?
Then, the police showed up and how many were arrested, facing, among other charges, possibility of being charged with a hate crime?
“…a traditionally Jewish neighborhood that is now predominately Latino.”
“…day anti-gentrification activists…”
The policies of The Party turned the neighborhood into a ghetto and they want it kept that way, then?
Is there any group less tolerant in America than the ‘tolerant’ left?
Wait, there are intolerant, poop-throwing dumbasses in the People’s Republik of Kalifornistan? Never could have guessed that one.
I wonder why the left in CA does not want the good people armed? Dictators and thugs do not appreciate resistance.
Apes are known to fling their poop…
Just throw these people out of the country.
They hate America. They hate Americans. They don’t want to be Americabs. Toss them out on their entitled ass
Who would take them? Even Africans look down on American blacks.
“kicked out of Boyle Heights Chamber of Commerce because he supports Trump policies on immigration”
Ah, now we know who sent the brownshirts after him.
Another Trump supporter oppressed.
Another 1,000 undecicideds come over to Team Trump.
Say goodbye to your little Blue Wave. And say hello to Justice Barrett.
These are the sort of people who dine, regularly, at The Red Hen in Lexington.
I doubt it. At best they ‘dine’ at some Soul Food joint or another.
Make Boyle Heights Jewish Again!
(It was back in the 1900s through about 1950 or so.)
even in the late 60’s/early 70’s, there were Jewish bakeries on Brooklyn Ave. they are now all panaderias.
and, if you look closely at some of the churches in the area, you will notice that they were formerly Jewish temples, as evidenced by the Star of David windows.
and Evergreen cemetery has many Jewish graves.
also, in the NW corner of it, there is a section full of graves of Japanese residents of the area, including a number of graves from Soldiers KIA with the 442 Regiment or the 100th Battalion, including several MOH awardees.
funny how the area used to be very multi-cultural, but now, having ethnically cleansed it, the locals are trying to keep it that way.
Brpooklyn Ave. Thanks very much for using the correct name. I appreciate it..
We are spreading the word among our Southern California compatriots, for a #Buycott in support of Asher Caffee and Lounge.
Whoever down voted Ms. Eastman’s comment has LOTS of explaining to do.
Maybe the Oath Keepers could find it in their collective schedules to slide by for a cup of joe and maybe a bagel with some frequency.
I think even the Ninth Circus would have trouble with making the throwing of fecal matter, real fecal matter, a legitimate exercise of 1A. But I’ve been surprised by them before.
In the not too distant past, the lowest of American convicts degraded even their low status by throwing their body waste.
Now you know who the left’s street army is: not just hired criminals, but the lowest of them.
Sh-t flows downhill. With leftist leaders like obama, clinton, fauxcahobtas, crazy-eye cortez, waters, and al sharpton, its naturally hitting the streets.
Could you ever conceive of picking up your own feces, let alone throw it? These protestors were once feces-throwing convicts. Now they’re on the left’s payroll to terrorize on the streets.
Not even the Brownshirts were this low of human debris.
But then, look at their leaders.
“…look at their leaders.”
Exactly. These thugs are the agents and representatives of the leaders. The leaders approve the message (hate against Trump, Jews, and the voters) and the tactics.
The Blue Wave of Hate. And their newest slogan — [Nothing] For the people.
“Blue Wave of Hate” It works.
I’ll be a customer every time I head downtown.
Thanks for the free advertising, lefties! Otherwise I wouldn’t have known about this place.
Ah, the tolerant left.
If this is what they mean by “For the People,” they probably aren’t goin’ to get many takers.
Protesters Throw Feces at L.A. Kosher Cafe Because Owner Supports Trump
I thought that was something only monkeys and other lower level primates did….
…and you were right.
Trump Deranged Rioters Throw Feces at L.A. Kosher Cafe and Police Do Nothing
Why would anyone want to open a business in Boyle Heights?
They despise outsiders.
Well, outsiders that aren’t of approved ethnic groups…
He should have a good legal case against the chamber of commerce; California is one of the few states that bans political discrimination.
Were any arrests made? Lots of police on the scene. Throwing feces and verbally assaulting patrons was overlooked? Oh maybe that’s legal in CA.