Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome Exploits Civics Ignorance

Brett Kavanaugh Nomination Handshake

The world is ending, Armageddon is nigh, and it’s all because Judge Kavanaugh was nominated to take Justice Kennedy’s place on the Supreme Court.

Progressives are actively exploiting civics ignorance to raise money oppose Kavanaugh’s nomination.

In almost every instance where abortion and Roe v. Wade are mentioned, it’s supposed that Kavanaugh HIMSELF will overturn Roe and all the poor women will die in back-alley abortions.

See Governor Cuomo:

That’s not how it works. That’s not how any of this works. Sue who? What for? Where?



1) Spoiler: 7 MEN ruled in favor of Roe (2 dissented), but keep up the ignorant fear mongering.

2) Worse still, NARAL is actively frat-shaming, perpetuating the baseless stereotype used by campus kangaroo courts that “frat boys” inherently disrespect women.

3) Making fun of someone’s name is a super good argument*

*If you’re five-years-old

Speaking of five-year-olds…

“Daughters made Obama less sexist, but having daughters means Kavanaugh is sexist” or something

This Open Letter from Yale Law Students, Alumni, and Educators Regarding Brett Kavanaugh is particularly off the chain

“Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination presents an emergency — for democratic life, for our safety and freedom, for the future of our country,” they write. “People will die if he is confirmed.”

Full letter here (if you can stomach it).

And if you’re still worried about Kavanaugh, don’t worry, Handmaid’s Tale is way more brutal

According to this super scientific Twitter poll:

If you know how the court system works, you know that just about everything progressives are saying about Kavanaugh is untrue.

The Supreme Court was not created to protect Roe vs. Wade, it exists to protect the Constitution from legislative and executive overreach.

Tags: Brett Kavanaugh, US Supreme Court