After Post-Summit Meltdown, Carry On
The current hysteria is what we have been experiencing for two years. It drowns out, and in many ways delegitimizes, honest criticism.

I watched the Trump-Putin press conference on Monday morning, then spent almost 8 hours in the car with only terrestrial news radio, when available.
When I finally arrived and had a chance to catch up on Twitter and replays of cable news, it was obvious that I re-entered a world divorced from the reality that most people hear, which is short news bites while going about their lives.
Yet on Journalist and Resistance Twitter, on CNN and MSNBC, and among many Democrat politicians, the same people who called Trump a traitor since the day he was elected, and in some cases before he was elected, were still calling him a traitor, but even more loudly. A congressman called for the military to intervene. There were demands that all senior officials in the administration resign, and that Trump himself resign.
There were, of course, more reasoned and serious criticisms, including by people who support Trump. But reasoned criticisms of Trump are few and far between.
The current hysteria is what we have been experiencing for two years. It drowns out, and in many ways delegitimizes, honest criticism. It’s certainly fair to criticize some of Trump’s answers at the press conference, where he seemed to draw an equivalence between the assessments of the U.S. intelligence community and Putin’s denial of election interference.
But that’s not “treason” as many are shouting. And answers at a press conference do not give Democrats and Trump haters a mulligan to redo the election.
If anything, Trump objectively has been tougher on the Russians than his predecessor. When Trump pushed the NATO countries to increase their defense spending to better defend against Russia, and attacked Germany for a pipeline deal that would enrich Russia and give Russia a stranglehold over Germany, Trump also was accused of treason even though his actions objectively were anti-Russian.
Understand that, while there are some people fairly concerned that Trump’s press conference performance did damage, the overwhelming chorus of treason-accusers and meltdown-instigators is simply a continuation of the slow coup against the election result we have witnessed continuously since the election.
My advice: Carry on.

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There’s nobody who honestly believes Trump’s press conference damaged anything at all other than globalism and anti-Russia jingoism.
Pop quiz:
Who spent larger amounts of energy to influence our election: China or Russia?
The media seems very uncurious about all the money that has gone from China to Hillary and all the efforts they made to put her into office. Start pulling on threads involving Gary Locke and China to the DNC… but this investigation seems very much set up to come up with a pre-ordained outcome but is dragging on because the evidence can’t support that outcome.
In other news- WZ reported yesterday that the exact same letter to the editor (signed by different names in each case) was published in 21 different news papers. But fake news is just a slogan for Trump fans to yell.
I didn’t watch any of the summit- I really don’t care as it’s not the repeal of Obamacare. From what I did read, I’m actually in alignment with Trump. The facts are on Trump’s side. Flexibility AFTER the election and Red Buttons are on the side of the detractors.
Meanwhile back at the ranch …
The embattled Page tossed James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok and Bill Priestap among others under the Congressional bus, alleging the upper echelon of the FBI concealed intelligence confirming Chinese state-backed ‘assets’ had illegally acquired former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 30,000+ “missing” emails, federal sources said.
For all the hysteria, a opening. MEXICO. Mexico did far more than Russia to interfere with the 2016 election. They’re were actively involved… as were the Democrats in tandem whipping the vote in border states and elsewhere. The voter ID stuff should be nationwide… and use Russian interference as the pretext. Also repeal Motor-voter, and help states that can, crack down on same-day voting and absentee voting. ” The Russia reaction shows that trust in our election process must be restored. ” heh heh.
I was really gratified to see that this blog, at least, sat out the complete poo-flinging monkey fit of craziness that seemed to overwhelm both the media and most of the internet yesterday.
At first I did think he did some damage with people like me that don’t like it when POTUS complains about America when he’s on foreign soil. I didn’t like it when Obama did it, did it a lot worse and a lot more, and I don’t like it when Trump does it.
However the hysterical and stupid reaction from #NeverTrump, lefty media and dimwitted Dems soon became overwhelmingly worse that what Trump said.
He get the most help from those that hate him the worst. What a bunch on pinheads.
POTUS didn’t complain about America. POTUS complained about the scvmbags who are sabotaging his Presidencty, the intelligence agencies packed with traitors Obama left behind.
I’m not concerned…at some point, the Mueller-led self-indulgent theater has to be reined in.
The damage has already been done enough by that garbage barge.
Trump’s performance wasn’t great; there is much to criticize about it. But the most bizarre spectacle, like something out of a Picasso painting, was to see John Brennan, of all people, accusing anyone of treason. It was like Madoff flinging accusations of theft, or Clinton of corruption.
He looks like a man trying to argue his way off the gallows.
Brennan has a long record of being pro-Muslim, pro-Communist, and anti-U.S.
He has some damn nerve calling anybody else a traitor.
My biggest concern with Brennan is how he has so easily transitioned from leadership and law enforcement into a full time resistance member. I find it hard to believe this was not a latent part of his character while he held so many important positions. In other words, he’s another example where politics likely took some priority in the execution of his duties. The chance the switch was flipped so suddenly and completely is pretty low.
Brennan has always been a political animal. One does not survive in high profile positions in Washington, unless this is true. But, in Brennan’s case, he is facing the possibility of going to jail. He was up to his neck in the illegal surveillance of the Trump campaign. If the investigation into that starts and gains steam, he might well go to jail; along with a significant number of Obama Administration higher-ups. He has to be a full blown Resister.
It wasn’t latent.
Preach it, sister.
I have no idea what Brennan looks like; all I see on his face is his soul.
If only he had given Putin a big red reset button!
Or maybe Trump should have just reassured everybody that Russia is not a serious geo-political foe of the U.S., as Barry Obama snarkily reminded Romney during one of their debates in 2012: “The 1980’s called, they want their foreign policy back . . . .”
And Barry’s SOS Hillary didn’t seem to think they were a serious threat when she was approving a deal for the Russians to get control of 20% of U.S. uranium resources.
But apparently, making nice with Russians is something that only Dim politicians can do without being labelled as “idiots!” and “traitors!”
HA! when I was watching the presser, I was hoping Putin would reach down, and reveal that button that Hillary gave Russia and ask for a “reset”. That would have been hilarious… and Trump would have laughed for sure. Oh well..
Those Russians were only indicted, so why the premature conclusion of guilt, particularly since the special prosecutor has presented no evidence, and never will? First the verdict, then the trial?
Thus far I haven’t seen a single scrap of evidence that the “Russians” meddled in the election at all. Claims have been made that they hacked various servers – Hillary’s, the DNC, etc. – but not a single one of those servers has been forensically examined by law enforcement. Without such an examination you cannot validly even claim they were hacked, never mind pinpoint who exactly did the hacking you have no proof happened.
Did Russians comment on Facebook about the American election? Probably. But so did my friends in Singapore, Canada, the UK and more. People from every country in the world put in their $0.02.
The DNI says the “Russians” meddled? Well pony up some evidence other than your word, because we have all seen recently what the words of those high up in the intelligence community are worth.
Trump is exactly right that if this did indeed happen, it happened under Obama’s watch not his. Where is the outrage at Obama? And furthermore, let me mention a few elections that WE meddled in directly and publicly, like Israel and Brexit. We don’t own any moral high ground here.
If Russia didn’t “meddle”, that would be the story. When it comes to trying to influence elections, I doubt there’s a country in the world that can match the USA…and I really don’t have a problem with it. Every single country with the ability to do so spies on friends and enemies and tries to nudge elections towards the candidates they prefer.
Ultimately, it comes down to a simple calculus. If Trump was opposed by Republicans who a) have backbone, b) are utterly ruthless, c) have no fear of the electoral consequences of deposing a President wildly popular with the base of their own party, this would mean something. This is emphatically not the case.
I see why the FBI and DOJ think so little of Congress and are no longer shy about showing it in public.
Also why no thinking person, whether President or some guy from Peoria, should ever take the word of a federal law enforcement official without demanding that they show their work. I grew up in a world where we were taught that the feds were straight shooters. I now believe that we were feeding ourselves what we wanted to hear all along. Nobody in the government is worthy of the presumption of honesty. Everyone has a dog in every fight. The corruption is deep and pervasive.
Regardless of that, law enforcement should show its work, and as I’ve said before, and amusingly, as Andy McCarthy at National Review has stated, the indictments of uniformed GRU officers – Russian military intelligence – are jokes, and Putin is not going to hand them over. Ever. Lots of countries would love to put American servicemen on trial for any number of things under domestic laws. It’s a dumb precedent to set.
Indictments never meant to see the inside of a courtroom are worse than a joke.
The press conference is the public face but it isn’t binding, and it also had Putin throwing out a bomb – that US government agents helped funnel some $400 million to Hillary’s campaign. That is huge news as it sure doesn’t sound legal to me, and at best it indicates our intelligence agencies are twisted politically.
The recent indictments from the Mueller show, given just prior to this meeting, stinks of some strange PR move. If even one of the people named in these indictments came forward to go to trial it would go nowhere. Mueller doesn’t have proof, he would need more than the word of Crowdstrike, which is apparently what he used. Crowdstrike doesn’t have a great reputation, the CEO is a huge Hillary supporter as well. Mueller is slow walking the one indictment that had a response to look to go to trial. Mueller can’t do that, as it is opening the door to the Russians on information the US wouldn’t want known. They would have to give it under discovery.
These indictments are meant to show the investigation is going somewhere, even though they know they will never go to trial. It’s fuel for the left base, as they don’t seem to know the difference between indictments and convictions.
I do smell a rat from Rosenstein making that announcement of Russians being indicted right before this meeting. That is an action meant to influence foreign policy, which I don’t believe the DOJ is supposed to do.
This whole thing, the press conference, seems like a velvet glove move, coming right after the iron hand talk with NATO members and especially Germany with the threat of relying on Russian energy sources. The private talks might very well have been cordial, yet given Trump’s statements at NATO, I don’t see it as giving things away to Putin.
And seeing that Schiff has come out of hiding, I think there is great fear that more bad news could be coming from Russia regarding actions of the Obama administration or Hillary’s campaign. The more Schiffty screams, the more you can feel confident that news to come is bad for the Democrats.
The 400 million thing sounds familiar – namely, the Russian lawyer who met with Donald Trump Jr. I believe Jr.’s next question was along the lines of, “And was any of that illegal contributions under US law?” “Well no…” “Then why are we talking?”
Just because you’re ethnic Russian or you have business interests in Russia doesn’t mean you can’t contribute to the DNC or to the Clinton Foundation in and of itself. So a lot depends on the details of the math. I don’t trust Putin and don’t encourage anyone to trust him, but the situation is pretty sad.
They say 400 million was a translator error and that it was 400 thousand. That means Browder individually, and that sounds very much like what the Russian lady tried to sell Trump Jr. on. My vague memory didn’t help, but I stand corrected.
Bundling $400,000 is impressive, but not crazily so, and probably entirely legal.
As I posted elsewhere, I’m tired of hearing about Russia interfering in the 2016 election. That Russian assets attempted to interfere is beyond question. If left to their own efforts the attempt would have been a failure, though not a very expensive one as they spent little in the effort.
Far more effort and expense was expended by the MSM/Democrats in manufacturing the chaos which the Russians intended to create by their own efforts. That’s right, I’m not giving the Russians credit for knowing what the MSM/Democrats would do to create the chaos intended. I’m not claiming the Russians were colluding with the MSM/Democrats to create the chaos either. The MSM/Democrats, by their very nature, just had to create the chaos and keep it going as long as possible. It is the Russian officers job to try and damage the Republic by any means possible (short of actual war). The MSM/Democrats see it as their goal in life to bring the Republic to heel and implement their view of the proper role of government in every citizen’s life. They will work to accomplish this By Any Means Necessary.
This. 10 thumbs up.
As Tucker Carlson stated yesterday, Mexico did far more than Russia (or any other country) to influence the 2016 elections.
Oh, I think the Russians are more than able to predict the likely actions of the Democrats. I know I could. What is the term, useful idiots?
I recall Reagan’s grim look after a session at Reykjavik with Mikhail Gorbachev. Pundits immediately presumed the summit had gone badly. Which county imploded later?
Of course, that should be “country.”
I’m sure President Trump will continue to “carry on” while the media spends yet another day in the blatherspere. All the outrage from former admin tells us that they have plenty to hide. The louder it becomes the closer you need to listen.
Let’s not forget American involvement in Canada’s 2015 election.
Bill Clinton’s administration covertly and overtly intervened in Russian elections in favor of Yeltsin in 1996, including pushing a $10 billion IMF loan.
Don’t forget 0 trying to influence elections in Israel.
And France. And Brexit.
John McCain wants to see World War III before he dies and he hasn’t much time left. This is the first time I’ve ever rooted for cancer.
Professor, I had similar thoughts early this morning. Reposted:
I question the timing of Rosenstein. The release “just happened” to negatively affect foreign policy and handicap Trump’s maneuver space.
I find it telling that, for and agency super concerned about foreign meddling in our domestic affairs, the FBI seemed eager assume the role of a domestic agency meddling in our foreign affairs. We are supposed to fight in private but provide a unified front in public. Damaging the reach of our foreign policy doesn’t seem very patriotic. So Rosenstein has confirmed my suspicion he is a corrupt political hack who should be fired.
FWIW, I’m not thrilled with Trump’s performance. The Federalist makes a good point:
“In short, he let Putin save too much face and that may well delay improvement in U.S.-Russia relations.”
I don’t know the inside baseball on this. Maybe, as Obama said, publicly shaming Putin would be counter-productive. Maybe Trump threw the gauntlet down during their private meeting. OTOH, the Marxists and their NeverTrumper Cucks have attacked Trump to such a ridiculous degree that I’m probably immunized from legitimate criticism of Trump. So I’m going to give him the benefit of doubt on this one.
Probably good to remember that Putin is a horse of a different color from Macron or that dummy up in Canada. I like to try to figure out Trump’s game, and I haven’t seen him work a tough-minded adversary in the past. I am the student, and time will tell if I’m looking at an unforced error or something more complicated.
Remember that Rosenstein is an Establishment lackey and is actively working to protect the Establishment and the Obama Administration. He fomented the firing of Comey, which gave nim cover as a now-private citizen and allowed the Establishment hacks to scream that Trump was trying to derail the Trump/Russia Collusion investigation, appointed Mueller as SC and has systematically blocked the delivery of documents and testimony to Congressional oversight committees.
It’s certainly fair to criticize some of Trump’s answers at the press conference, where he seemed to draw an equivalence between the assessments of the U.S. intelligence community and Putin’s denial of election interference.
Is it?
Perhaps you missed the most important takeaway from yesterday’s excitement. Trump realizes that he’s surrounded by enemies foreign and domestic. They’re all liars; all parties will tell him only what they want him to know. His enemies foreign, like Putin, may try to stab him in the front; but his enemies domestic will certainly try to stab him in the back. He knows it, and yesterday he said that he knows it. And his enemies are not pleased to have it out in the open.
Trump’s great opportunity here is that enemies foreign are not the same as enemies domestic; they have different motivations, apprehensions, and stores of information they’re trying to conceal. If he’s good, Trump can triangulate this, using the conflicting sources of information to figure out who’s lying and when. And if he’s very good, he’ll be able to use one to rattle even more information from the other than they were planning to concede. Hence yesterday’s public announcements. His attempt to rattle them was obviously a huge success.
In other words … it’s 1944, and Trump has just opened the Second Front. And now his antagonists have to scramble for position as the ground shifts under their feet. The unknowns he unleashed yesterday will upset the best-laid plans of rats and swamp creatures. And some of them realize it. Hence the childish demands for resignation, etc. The childishness is perhaps deceptive; it’s born of very adult desperation. As Hillary said, if Trump wins “we all hang from nooses.” I’m sure that’s not quite right; it won’t be all, but there are a lot of necks in nooses, and most of them haven’t thought this far ahead … and there was no need to, since with their crooked assistance, Her Majesty was supposed to win.
I don’t think I’ve seen such political maneuvering since Lincoln and Palmerston dodged disaster in the Mason & Slidell affair in 1861.
“A congressman called for the military to intervene. There were demands that all senior officials in the administration’
(Kyle South Park voice)
Really? REALLY!?
Those bozos are working for the Trump 2020 campaign. We should send them a Thank You card with s reminder to declare their volunteer status under campaign finance law.
I’m all ready to critize the President in good faith. But if the other keeps cheating like this then screw that – I revise my earlier concern: Trump did just fine. Mountain. Molehill.
“We’re so concerned about a foreign power sabotaging our elections that we’ll sabotage our President”
Whatever. Go away from me. Traitors.
Michael Mukasey has an interesting piece in today’s WSJ where he argues that (A) Putin expected Clinton to win; and (B) the hacking effort, to the extent it really happened, was intended to damage President Hildebeest’s presidency. He’d “have something on her”.
Well Putin is no better a prognosticator than the NYT and Obama and the DNC. Hillary did not win.
But there is a second order effect here. The hysterical Dem reaction to the “sure thing’s” “unexpected” loss has damaged the Trump presidency. We’re wasting a lot of our time as a country while Mueller and his minions play with their puds and produce no evidence of the non existent collusion.
Here is what everyone is missing. Other than all-out nuclear war, the US has very little leverage where Moscow is concerned. Unlike China, we do not engage in significant trade with Russia. There are already sanctions in place, which our allies are not really honoring [hence the attacks on them in the NATO meetings]. Unlike Syria and North Korea, we can not threaten Russia with military action. In other words, the US has little leverage in the case of Russia. And, the Russian’s know this.
Trump could have gone to Helsinki, stood next to Putin and given a speech solely for domestic consumption, where he made threats against Russia and demanded that they take no further action to interfere in US elections. This might have played better in the US. But, it would have done nothing to dissuade Putin for future actions against the US and it might even have pushed him into additional acts to which the US would have to respond. What is far more important, is what the two men said to one another in private.
And another thing – radio host thinks Trump’s remark about Hillary’s server scandal we’re not that relevant, but it actually is good question in response to the pundits:
How can we take your concerns about Russian hacking seriously when you have such a casual attitude about SecState using an unsecure server.
And guess what Podesta’s password was? p@ssword
If you can keep your head when all about you
are losing theirs, and blaming it on you…..
R. Kipling
Putin was the one who put paid to all the screeching by the US MSM. I’m sure it is for that reason he has not been quoted on TV.
REPORTER: For President Putin, if I could follow up as well. Why should Americans and why should President Trump believe your statement that Russia did not intervene in the 2016 election, given the evidence that U.S. intelligence agencies have provided? And will you consider extraditing the 12 Russian officials that were indicted last week by a U.S. grand jury?
DJT answer….
PUTIN: As to who is to be believed and to who is not to be believed, you can trust no one – if you take this — where did you get this idea that President Trump trusts me or I trust him?
He defends the interests of the United States of America. And I do defend the interests of the Russian Federation. We do have interests that are common.
We are looking for points of contact. There are issues where our postures diverge and we are looking for ways to reconcile our differences, how to make our effort more meaningful.
Now let’s get back to the issue of this 12 alleged intelligence officers of Russia. I don’t know the full extent of the situation, but President Trump mentioned this issue and I will look into it.
So far, I can say the following: the things that are off the top of my head. We have an acting, an existing agreement between the United States of America and the Russian Federation, an existing treaty, that dates back to 1999, the mutual assistance on criminal cases. This treaty is in full effect. It works quite efficiently.
On average, we initiate about 100-150 criminal cases upon requests from foreign states.
For instance, the last year, there was one extradition case on the request sent by the United States. So this treaty has specific legal procedures. We can offer the appropriate commission headed by special attorney Mueller.
He can use this treaty as a solid foundation and send a formal and official request to us so that we would interrogate, we would hold the questioning of these individuals who he believes are privy to some crimes and our enforcement are perfectly able to do this questioning and send the appropriate materials to the United States.
Moreover, we can meet you halfway. We can make another step. We can actually permit official representatives of the United States, including the members of this very commission headed by Mr. Mueller, we can lead them into the country and they will be present for this questioning.
But in this case, there’s another condition. This kind of effort should be a mutual one. Then we would expect that the Americans would reciprocate and that they would question officials including the officers of law enforcement and intelligence services of the United States, whom we believe have something to do with illegal actions on the territory of Russia. And we have to request the presence of our law enforcement.
For instance, we can bring up Mr. Browder in this particular case. Business associates of Mr. Browder have earned over one and a half billion dollars in Russia. They never paid any taxes, neither in Russian army in the United States and yet the money escaped the country, they were transferred to the United States.
They sent huge amount of money – 400 million – as a contribution to the campaign of Hillary Clinton.
Well, that’s their personal case, it might have been legal, the contribution itself, but the way the money was earned was illegal.
So we have a solid reason to believe that some intelligence officers accompanied and guided these transactions. So we have an interest of questioning them. That can be a first step and we can also extend it. Options abound.
The old saying is “If you are explaining you are losing” fit Trump to a tee and left Putin smirking with an aura of confidence and authority. We have all cringed when Trump has veered into waters that he should have avoided and this was one of them. The msm and some of the RINOs are making fools of themselves but that is to be expected. I hope Trump sees this for what it is, a blunder and a misstep on his part, and goes forward with bold warnings to Putin and his gang that interference in our upcoming elections will not be tolerated! The condemnation of his own intelligence service was a cringe-worthy moment and he needs to right that wrong asap. To put Putin’s word on the same level as his IC community is dumb.
I agree with everything said here. The insane contumely re the presser in Helsinki: the clowns would have said the same things if Putin had agreed to leave Crimea.
What they say and do has nothing at all to do with what Trump actually does. It never has.
I like it that Trump shoots from the hip, says what he really thinks. I don’t like practiced liars like Obama (remember? He ran as a moderate. The media called him a moderate). Trump is honest. He may be a blowhard, and not the most-informed person on earth, but his instincts are sound.
It seems the big screecher was Trump roughly doing a he said she said when it came to Russian meddling. This set everybody off. Why? Because it’s the truth!
Trump’s been hounded since before he won the election with a completely phony and made up charge. 24 hours a day they’re at it. And he’s supposed to give them props? A job well done? Where would I be without men like Mueller?
I’ve come a long way the past two years in my skepticism about the FBI and the rest (NSA, CIA).
1) In Boston the FBI put four admitted creeps in jail for 30 years for a crime they knew the creeps didn’t commit.
2) Patrick Fitzgerald put Scooter Libby in jail for a crime he knew he didn’t commit.
3) Mueller and Martha Stewart.
4) Mueller and the anthrax investigation.
Those are just a few. Right now–think Agent Struck (sp)–I view the upper echelons of the FBI as totally politicized and corrupt. Same goes for NSA (I’ve actually moved in the direction of Gleen Greenwald on the domestic spying issue). Believe me, I never ever thought I’d see that day.
So when the stupid AP reporter tries to bait Trump with a question that will force him to speak in favor of Mueller and his pack of criminals or accuse Putin, and Trump finesses the query, he’s now guilty of treason?
The saber rattling on the left is comical. These are the first little babies to run for the shelter should the missiles start to fly. Do they want a war with Russia?
On what terms? Nukes? That’s lose – lose. A ground war with the Ruskies? Tell that to Napoleon and Hitler.
Russia has never been defeated on the ground.
Trump took an important step. I’m amazed the media is getting away with its nonsense. McCain, Flake, Kerry.
Oh, please.
Our press accuses our President of treason for not trusting an intelligence community that doesn’t trust our President. We have on one side Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Page and Strzok; on the other we have Donald Trump. I know which one I trust.
And this would be a bad thing???? How???
I am surprised the good Professor was able to write a post today after enjoying Amazons meltdown on Prime day.
Interesting how not trusting the IC is a big deal. Considering that the latest news is that Strzok’s Wife Was Promoted to Director of SEC Enforcement almost immediately after he was given charge of Hillary/Weiner email investigation is huge! Bibes by journalist. Even though I think Trump is dirty, he looks like a saint to the Uniparty.
Even if – again, if – Donald Trump made an error, watch out: this is a guy who learns from his first mistakes, and never makes a second one.
The claim that the DNC servers were hacked is well established.
The claim that “the Russians” did it is plausible but unprovable.
The claim that any particular set of Russians did it is preposterous.
The Special Counsel is stupid, ignorant, or wicked, or some combination of the three.
What gets me about the whole thing is, the press tried to get Trump to stick a needle in Putin’s eye just before he’s going to be trying to negotiate stand downs.
Of course Trump isn’t going to go press pool on Putin: that would be monumentally stupid right there right then. Yet they are agog when their hand grenade doesn’t go off.
Rhodes was right about them.
With the the NORKS, the Fake News hysteria was “Trump’s going to start a nuclear war by insulting Kim Jong Un”
With Putin, the fake news hysteria is “Trump should have insulted Putin to his face as a discredited liar and begin nuclear war if necessary”
I guarantee the hysteria would have been dialed up to 11, no matter what Trump said.
And now, the Sunday after the end of the world as we know it, the story’s fallen off of the airwaves.
Every time the newsies go nuts, only a few days later and the story that they were sure was the End of All Good Things, is gone like dust in the wind.