Twitter CEO Apologizes for Eating Chick-Fil-A After Leftist Outrage

For the love that is all holy. The seething left attacked Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey for eating at Chick-fil-A during pride month. Chick-fil-A’s CEO believes marriage ought to be between a male and female.

Dorsey caved and apologized for devouring the delicious food at Chik-Fil-A.

Via Daily Caller

(I had to screenshot The Daily Caller because Soledad O’Brien has me blocked.)

June is National Pride Month, which caused the left to unleash its claws into Dorsey.

What have we become when we force someone to apologize for eating a chicken sandwich? Guess what. I have no problem with gay marriage. None at all. I will eat also Chick-fil-A whenever I crave their food!

Can you imagine what the right would be left with if we boycotted places or people who didn’t align with our views? Even worse for us libertarians. I’d have no music to listen to or movies to watch. The Clash and Pearl Jam are a few of my favorite bands of all time, both of whom had/have members that are diehard leftists.

Lessons for the Left and Right

piece at HuffPo written by Shane L. Windemeyer, a gay man, and activist for LGBT equality is making the rounds. Windemeyer says he’s a friend of Dan Cathy, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A (emphasis mine):

His questions and a series of deeper conversations ultimately led to a number of in-person meetings with Dan and representatives from Chick-fil-A. He had never before had such dialogue with any member of the LGBT community. It was awkward at times but always genuine and kind.It is not often that people with deeply held and completely opposing viewpoints actually risk sitting down and listening to one another. We see this failure to listen and learn in our government, in our communities and in our own families. Dan Cathy and I would, together, try to do better than each of us had experienced before.Never once did Dan or anyone from Chick-fil-A ask for Campus Pride to stop protesting Chick-fil-A. On the contrary, Dan listened intently to our concerns and the real-life accounts from youth about the negative impact that Chick-fil-A was having on campus climate and safety at colleges across the country. He was concerned about an incident last fall where a fraternity was tabling next to the Chick-fil-A restaurant on campus. Whenever an out gay student on campus would walk past the table, the fraternity would chant, “We love Chick-fil-A,” and then shout anti-gay slurs at the student. Dan sought first to understand, not to be understood. He confessed that he had been naïve to the issues at hand and the unintended impact of his company’s actions.

Windemeyer writes that he and Cathy built trust throughout their relationship. Cathy even invited Windemeyer as his personal guest for the Chick-fil-A Bowl despite the possibility of “facing the ire of his conservative base (and a potential boycott) by being seen or photographed with an LGBT activist.” Windemeyer described it (again, emphasis mine):

Instead, he stood next to me most of the night, putting respect ahead of fear. There we were on the sidelines, Dan, his wife, his family and friends and I, all enjoying the game. And that is why building a relationship with someone I thought I would never understand mattered. Our worlds, different as they can be, could coexist peacefully. The millions of college football fans watching the game never could have imagined what was playing out right in front of them. Gay and straight, liberal and conservative, activist and evangelist — we could stand together in our difference and in our respect. How much better would our world be if more could do the same?

[Featured image via YouTube]

Tags: Culture, LGBT, Twitter